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  • shadotron
    Sep 12, 04:09 PM
    what happened to the EQ???
    oh i found it... under view and no more key command. why does my visualizer suck now. it's all glitchy. i have 256MB video ram on a dual g5. it used to haul butt.

    bbc news icon. Henry Conway#39;s second gay icon
  • Henry Conway#39;s second gay icon

  • iGrip
    Jul 10, 10:27 AM

    I don't understand this.

    Right now, I move my finger about an inch on a touchpad to move the cursor from one corner of the screen to another.

    With a big monitor, I would have to lift my entire arm, carefully place my finger on a 1/8 inch spot, move my entire arm 24 inches to the other corner of the screen, all the time putting fingerprints on my screen.

    Nope. I don't get it. A touchscreen for a desktop computer seems like useless "gee-whiz" garbage.

    Unless the touchscreen is like those ones on CNN, used for specialized presentations. Or built into a table. Or one comprising a wall where you can draw stuff. Or something (anything!) where touch is an advantage.

    But for a desktop machine?

    bbc news icon. BBC News ( BBC News.app )
  • BBC News ( BBC News.app )

  • OatmealRocks
    Apr 14, 04:47 PM
    AGAIN, let me restate the following:

    - Brazil has one of the most expensive workforces in the world - please don't think that the world's second-biggest Western democracy is the same as an Asian sweatshop - Apple or Foxconn are NOT going there because of cheap labor - it's a much more strategic reason, along with lower logistical costs;

    - Upper-level salaries in Brazil are ALREADY higher than in the US or Europe, for reasons of economic growth and increased demand for skilled positions. A C-level executive in BR earns an average of $520,000, as opposed to some $400,000 in the US and Europe.

    HAHAHHA are you retarded? Of all places with such high division of upper and lower class you are going to use Brazil when comparing to the US? C-Levels will not be the ones on the factory floor. Spend 5 seconds on google and you are going to see a much different view in terms of labour cost. In fact I'm a little disappointed you would even argue that cheap labour is not one of the benefits of Brazil. You must be out of touch. FYI monthly salary will be wayy south of $500/month. Hate to tell you this but Foxconn is the highest exporter in % of GDP for ALL of China (I think they proven their competency.).. and well...you are an arm chair president with tons of misinformation.

    bbc news icon. BBC News - Punk icon Poly
  • BBC News - Punk icon Poly

  • steezy1337
    Oct 15, 09:02 PM
    Here's my setup. Monitor on left and top are used for work. The vertical monitor is used for browsing forums.


    woah that's a lot of screen space! Mind if I ask what your running the screens from and screen sizes?

    bbc news icon. BBC News
  • BBC News

  • longofest
    Oct 26, 05:23 PM
    here's some of my speculation about this update...

    While we don't know exactly how the Firmware update was designed, it would appear as though the update could simply ignore symptoms of a SMC short circuit to allow the laptop to continue operating. If this is the case it may degrade a MacBook's ability to detect true over-heat situations.

    AppleInsider had previously reported that a new MacBook logic board was under development to eliminate the root hardware issue, but a release date was not known.

    bbc news icon. This BBC News Mobile app is a
  • This BBC News Mobile app is a

  • 0010101
    Nov 3, 09:10 AM
    It's an example of the Rev. Jobs Reality Distortion Field in action.

    When I first read that quote, I thought, "Hey! Excellent answer!"

    Then I remembered letting sweaty hairy man use my cell phone.

    bbc news icon. to pick with the BBC News
  • to pick with the BBC News

  • stroked
    Apr 26, 10:51 AM
    What a fabulously foolish and ignorant statement.

    I've known several people who have died in car accidents therefore most people die in car accidents :rolleyes:.

    I personally live in the middle of Richmond VA which is filled plenty of lower class African Americans, who I walk by on my way to school every day. And in the last three years no one has offered to sell me food stamps. Therefore no one EVER abuses the food stamp program :rolleyes:.

    If you can't produce some statistical data than your just making **** up.

    I can't produce numbers, so I'm just making it up. That is a very stupid statement, you just made. I didn't mention the race of the people that wanted to sell me food stamps. For the record, most of the time, it has white people that I know.

    You bringing up race, is just your foolish way to try to discredit me. My opinion that food stamps are abused by most, is by observing what strangers in the check out, are buying with food stamps, and seeing what people I know, bring home.

    bbc news icon. The icons the BBC put on the
  • The icons the BBC put on the

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 26, 07:32 PM
    Boy, am I glad it's my bedtime.

    Night, old Son. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/MouseMeat/Smilies/Offtobed.gif

    bbc news icon. Tags: bc news live stream
  • Tags: bc news live stream

  • robertprotz
    Sep 12, 05:02 PM
    Even though iTunes says that 5g ipods are up to date software version 1.2 is in there...

    You must restore the ipod and it will restore using software update 1.2

    note that this does NOT give search function, but it does provide compatability for games and the newly released 640x480 movies/videos


    bbc news icon. Tags: bc news live stream
  • Tags: bc news live stream

  • hulugu
    Aug 3, 02:55 AM
    ...The title of the demo is "Device Drivers: Don't build a house on shaky ground." They are drawing attention to a serious problem and most people here are missing the point because all the blood rushed to their heads when they saw the Mac logo.

    They clearly say this is not Apple's problem, it's because of buggy code in a 3rd party driver. They're using the Mac for a reason here-- they are specifically making the point that it doesn't matter how much trust you put into your OS vendor, you can get hosed by any poorly made USB thingy that you stick in the side.

    I totally agree with you and I blame the Washington Post for the initial insanity. The headline and article made it sound as if the MacBook was the problem and not the third-party device driver. Obviously, there is a security hole that needs to be addressed by vendors like Apple, but this isn't an Apple hardware problem.

    I may have be initially too dismissive of the article, but that's because of the sudden yellow tint to all the articles regarding Macintosh security. The tech-press is ready to wet themselves the moment a Macintosh hole is discovered and far too many people, offended by the Get A Mac commercials, have their long knives sharpened and are just waiting for the opportunity to use them. Some were so quick on the draw I suspect they merely read the headline.

    bbc news icon. BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In
  • BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In

  • Salacion
    Apr 14, 09:46 AM
    I bet the non US growth is more like 30/35%. Amazing how they are growing like they are in the US.

    I've actually never owned a mac. Ipads and iphones but i'm buying my first mac this year. So I'll add to that US sales growth.

    Welcome, you're gonna love it!

    bbc news icon. Click the logo to view BBC
  • Click the logo to view BBC

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 27, 11:26 AM

    While the content isn't available yet. :rolleyes: The fact that its listed prob means that they are close to putting it up.

    bbc news icon. BBC NEWS | In Pictures
  • BBC NEWS | In Pictures

  • str1f3
    Nov 13, 01:11 PM
    I'll make this point again... How is what Apple is doing any different than what Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony do with approvals for applications on their devices? If anything, Apple should be commended for giving everyone access to the development environment at a significantly reduced cost. The reason for the approval process is clear: they want to do QA before the product is released because if something bad happens, every news organization will feature headlines about it for a week.

    Consoles have never been regulated to this extent. Apple wants you to add a +17 to your app because it can access the web. Rogue Amoeba was told by Apple that they can't even use the likeness of Macs on their Airfoil app. It's hilarious because Apple already allows you to do this on OSX and provides you the ability to do so. Apple initially denied the NIN app because of language yet they sold the song in the store.

    This has become so sickening and I hope Apple gets hurt by this. You can't keep running commercial of apps by third party devs and then treat them like garbage.

    I no longer want to hear this excuse for bad press. Virtually every other platform now has an app store and have to deal with the same issue, yet they are far more open as a product.

    bbc news icon. Fans of screen icon Dame
  • Fans of screen icon Dame

  • diamond.g
    Nov 13, 01:39 PM
    I'll make this point again... How is what Apple is doing any different than what Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony do with approvals for applications on their devices? If anything, Apple should be commended for giving everyone access to the development environment at a significantly reduced cost. The reason for the approval process is clear: they want to do QA before the product is released because if something bad happens, every news organization will feature headlines about it for a week.

    Microsoft does offer a way for anyone to make apps creators.xna.com (http://creators.xna.com). If I remember correctly your game get peer reviewed, and can be sold on the 360 for a small fee after passing peer review. There is also Kodu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodu_Game_Lab) which allows pretty much anyone to code for Microsoft Platforms with an Alice like language (not saying it is the best thing in the world, but it is a easy start).

    bbc news icon. Petition facebook logout icon,
  • Petition facebook logout icon,

  • bigmc6000
    Aug 2, 04:26 PM
    In response to the advertisements my @$$! Figures they'd try to go after something that isn't written into the OS since we all know how hard that is. So big deal - put out a firmware update for the AirPort Extreme card and it's fixed - Next please!!

    bbc news icon. the same Televisiontv news
  • the same Televisiontv news

  • Treq
    Nov 7, 11:15 AM
    Like Flash or hate Flash, the fact remains that Flash enabled web site have a major prevalence on the web. I hate the fact that I should have the most technologically available device, but don't just because Apple won't allow Flash - which they could easily allow.

    Politics and a pissing contest between Apple and Adobe and I have to suffer. Jobs is just trying to push for his own web app. But there is a jailbreak Flash app. Jobs may not put customers' desires at the top of his list, but DevTeam does.

    Setting aside wether or not they "could easily allow" with all their various carrier agreements and such. Flash is just a bloated buggy hog that will make the iphone run badly. Apple won't allow that. And they shouldn't.
    Flash needs to be rewritten from the ground up. Optimized to work with OS X and the iPhone OS (which is a version of osx). Maybe then Apple will let it on the iPhone.

    bbc news icon. According to BBC News,
  • According to BBC News,

  • GGJstudios
    Nov 24, 11:17 PM
    wrong ... we grew up with Woodstock
    Of course, if you can remember it, you weren't there! :D

    bbc news icon. BBC News
  • BBC News

  • satcomer
    May 4, 11:26 PM
    Next big thing, Smell-O-Vision (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smell-O-Vision). :p

    bbc news icon. The first iconic icon is the
  • The first iconic icon is the

  • rdowns
    Apr 17, 01:40 PM
    Or being a good adult and actually...parenting instead of letting an iPad do it for you.

    Parents these days...

    Are you ****ing serious? How the hell did you get this from letting his kid use the iPad occasionally?

    Posters these days...:rolleyes:

    Nov 28, 12:45 PM
    Suing doesn't automatically make you greedy or unpeaceful or unloving. They're protecting their property which I wouldn't fault anyone for doing (if that's all it really is.)

    For the ad, I'm thinking:
    "Hi, I'm a PC."
    "And I'm a Mac." in a beatle wig
    (crowd of screaming 12 year-old girls run in and mow down the Mac guy)

    uh no... wrong.
    IANAL, but A. the beatles lost... apparently a didnt believe they were protecting their property

    B. exactly what property do you think they were protecting? the idea that no company should be allowed to be called apple, in any business, ever? even after the same exact case had been settled before? ever heard of the 5th amendment?

    Apr 17, 09:17 AM
    This would be a good thing if ANY of those stores actually had any iPads for sale.... As it is now they are just adding another store chain for people to check inventory :D

    Doesn't matter where Apple sells its products. Better to make your products available everywhere than in just one or two specific stores. Remember: Not every city has an Apple store and can be quite a distance to the closest.

    Sep 4, 06:36 AM
    I would love a 23" iMac :)

    Metal Nanos are also great :D

    Nov 4, 11:53 PM
    Yeah!!! You forgot the part about world peace and end of hunger....

    Yeah!!! You against the world! I suppose you also write to fashion magazines, complaining that all their models have perfect, skinny bodies....

    But all kidding aside, without Flash, you must be having a pretty poor and limited web experience. Or, you just hang out on the Apple site.... :D

    So, let me get this straight.
    You are for:
    Sloppy code, anorexia, bulimia, and famine.

    And you are against:
    Apple and world peace.

    Good choice.

    May 4, 10:54 PM
    Forget 3d.

    I'd rather the iPad 3 display have the ability to turn into e-ink and back to normal. iPad 4 can have Retina.