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funny things to do in class

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  • countach
    Oct 23, 07:54 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the licensed device.

    This DOES NOT mean you can't use it by itself in a virtualization product on any platform.

    The word "same" never occurs in the text, which never contemplates multiple installs.

    It says you can't use it in a virtual machine. End of story. End of discussion.

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  • NeroAZ
    Apr 14, 01:52 PM
    Yes I do have Xcode installed and also I hace an Apple dev account, but I've had it for long and gestures were not enabled on the previous updates to my iPad. If nobody else can confirm gestures on their iPads then what you say might be the case, but I still cant understand why they were not enabled on the previous updates.

    I do not have xcode installed and I just updated my ipad2 and no gestures option on mine.

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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 02:02 AM
    "Do you even have any idea when the last time the US was on the Gold Standard?"

    1971 Nixon stated that gold could no longer be traded in for currency. It was the last step which ended the real value of money. Money is NOT, backed by gold, or any other precious metal but is instead, backed by faith. The money is, in other words, as good as people believe it is good.

    "If 100% of our income tax pays off the interest on the Debt, how then does the government operate?"

    The government operates through property taxes, state taxes, education tax, toll booths -which are owned by foreign countries - this supports our infrastructure. The federal government uses 100% of our tax to pay interest to banks on money which is loaned... hence our astronomical debt. Most people believe that the Federal Reserve is owned and operated by the Government. In actuality European Banks own the federal reserve thanks to Roosevelt and any money that is printed is not controlled by the American Government. We borrow money to fund our wars, run our military, pay our politicians and then we the tax our citizens to pay the interest on the borrowed money. JFK tried to abolish the Federal Reserve and failed and now Ron Paul is calling for the same action.

    "Most people have taken out equity loans and maxed out their credit? Please."
    Take a look what is happening in Nevada and Detroit... A lot of people cannot afford the American lifestyle and the average middle class American would be living on the streets in 3-6 months of loosing their jobs as most barely have enough in their banks saved to live off of.

    "America is still a manufacturing giant. Our exports to China were up 21% last quarter."

    Ironically just like apple most companies have their products made in China, India, or Mexico and then import them/assemble and then export the goods. The united States does not have natural resource assets such as Canada and as our dollar decreases in value the further in the whole we get with our national debt.... which by the way surpasses the entire combined debt of every other country in the world.

    "There are more middle class Americans today than in any other point in history."

    Middle Class with little to no savings and astronomical debt. In 1961 the average cost of a house was 18,000 while the average middle class income was 12,000. The average new vehicle cost 2,000. About two years the average price of a new home was 275,000 and the average price of a new vehicle was 24,000 while the average income was around 32,000. Yes these averages are subjective, but it gives you an idea of where we are when we lost gold as a standard.... currency then becomes controlled by banks through interest which results in inflation.

    "Why do you think a weak dollar is bad?" Sure, there may be some inflation, however, a weak dollar is good for exports and tourism. Take a look at Boeing vs. Airbus, as it relates to the devaluation of the dollar. There's a reason China artificially keeps their currency devalued."

    A weak dollar is bad because other countries realize the amount of debt we have. Our President spent more money in the first half of his term than all presidents combined. This money was borrowed and we the tax payers are now accountable for it. Countries around the world are loosing faith in our dollar. Opec was greeted with several countries a few weeks ago demanding that oil stop being traded in US dollars. We are lucky that Saudia Arabia refused as this would have caused huge economic instability. Take a look at what happened to the Germans in WWW II when they over extended themselves... a loaf of bread was payed for with a wheel barrow full of coins. I am not preaching fear... it is simple common sense for the educated and the aware. The wise will be able to get rich when our market collapses others will be in line at the soup kitchen.

    "Somehow, I doubt you have a dime invested in the market..."
    I do not need to share my personal portfolio with you but you are right. I took all of my money out of stocks in November as I knew what was coming and what is to come. I am not going argue my point of view any further. Open your eyes to the world and wake up - do some research beyond Fox News!

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  • Jason Beck
    Apr 14, 12:54 PM

    Mad puppy! (handheld spontaneous, 50mm prime on crop so sorry bout the ears)

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  • simon-says
    May 3, 11:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

    Kinda funny one of my lines just had it's eligibility for upgrade moved up nearly 5 months. Late September to next week, May 9th.

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  • tjsdaname
    Dec 6, 12:46 AM
    I think if there were no guns besides the law enforcements then America would be a much safer place.

    you could not be more wrong.....

    if you take guns away from the legitimate and responsible owners, then what does that help? did you really make a difference? no....

    and all the criminals will still have there guns.

    and all the sudden they have just as much power as the law enforcement, and now they don't have to be afraid that I might have my gun when they rob me. because we don't have our guns....

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  • HasanDaddy
    Mar 15, 11:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow - scored the very very last one - black ATT 64 gig - exactly what I wanted too - playing with it now

    Arrived here at around 6:30 am - Mystikal also scored and we had a good time hanging

    Good luck everyone else and may God Bless Japan!

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  • lord patton
    Apr 13, 03:04 PM
    Every time I feel regret for bad decisions I've made, I think, "Yeah, but at least I'm not stupid enough to believe Apple will start selling televisions."

    Every single competitive advantage Apple could bring to market already exists inside a tiny little box called the Apple TV... a device that they actually, you know, sell.

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  • digitalnicotine
    Jan 31, 01:47 AM
    @neko girl

    Um... what? I mean what did you purchase? (looks cool) :)

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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 09:17 AM
    well i can't believe Apple came thru today. i'm glad they did though. i didn't see the 2GB of ram coming though

    Yeah 2GB RAM, well I guess Apple's new apps (maybe even taking virtualization into consideration) and Leopard will like RAM...I have 1.5GB....:o

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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 07:19 PM
    I know somebody who was bipolar, and now that it's controlled by medication, he's a functioning, productive person. Before that he was manic, impossible to get along with, and self-destructive. I don't define that as "him".

    I myself had a very different personality when I was in the grasp of depression. I damn near broke up my marriage, and I was often cruel to my kids. That wasn't "me". This is me. I look on myself back then and am embarrassed at a lot of what I said and did. Though I try to forgive myself for some of that, the fact of the matter is, I own it and I'll always carry a certain amount of guilt at things I did that I cannot take back.

    Sheen only thinks he knows who he is right now.

    And just so this post isn't a total downer...another "Who said it?" quiz (http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/03/its_time_to_play_sheen_beck_or.html). Only this one pits Charlie Sheen against Ghadafi and Glenn Beck. :D

    I only got eight out of 15. :o

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  • NutsNGum
    Apr 26, 11:13 AM
    I bought a 21.5 imac last summer three days before they launched the new one, so sent it back.

    Finally bought its replacement three days ago. Now they're doing it again.

    Can't be bothered this time.


    You don't need to keep taking computers back you know. You could try and be happy with what you already own. Also why did you buy it if you knew there were new ones on the horizon anyway?

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  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 11:05 AM
    XNU is post 1996 merger. Mach pre merger was 2.9. Post merger is a mix of Mach 3.x with XNU and FreeBSD, plus Apple's own advances.

    Everyone who worked on OS X at Apple in Core Engineering was a merging of NeXT Engineering with some Apple Engineers and future talent. Apple bought NeXT for the IP, Code Bases, Tools, Engineering Talent and Leadership.

    BSD is not GNU.

    I think you are referring to IO Kit rather than XNU. Darwin (the core OS) features the Mach-O kernel that was created from the merger of BSD and a custom set of APIs coming from the NeXT era - XNU was the child of the merger so to speak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system). BSD was used to create the network and filesystem stacks.

    BSD is technically NOT what most consider true UNIX. Nowadays (post 1990s we are talking) consider System 5 as "true" unix. It is however viewed as a derivative featuring near-on all UNIX-like services.

    It was called System V (5) because of 5 original license holders - SGI, SUN, HP, IBM and Microsoft. (Yes Microsoft licensed Xenix from AT&T in the 1970's - from this came AmigaOS....) in 1982 Microsoft solds its license to SCO and then in 2003 brought it back again....

    Lastly, BSD evolved to POSIX and Linux came from that route...

    IF someone would like to see a SystemV manual (UNIX) please send an email..

    Some of us grew up on a PDP-11..... Scary thoughts... Nowadays im messing with Darwin and OpenDarwin builds :) Crashed a few MBP's rebuilding the kernel a couple of times....

    If anyone would like to see the code (and its available at apple although hidden.... see this link -> http://www.opensource.apple.com/release/mac-os-x-106/ - note that XNU is still under APPL and BSD licensing...)

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 25, 08:35 AM
    I'm not sure where you get the idea that Iran is "one of the most backward countries in the world", because in many ways it is not. The pronouncement that sex-changes were OK came from none other than Ayatollah Khomeini himself, several decades ago.

    Homosexuality, of course, is another matter, but that's all right because they apparently "don't have homosexuals in Iran". Probably because they get executed.

    You mean Ayatollah assahola? :)

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  • iDrinkKoolAid
    Jul 10, 12:22 PM
    Really? I love the whole Inspector idea and the side toolbar in Word type thing.

    Well, I guess these kinds of things are preferential. Perhaps I'm more used to Micro$oft Office toolbars.

    Anyhow, I find myself using Pages more often. I'll just tell my boss to buy a Mac Mini if he wants to read my documents. :D

    If Apple does come out with a spreadsheet, it better be more usable than what one can get currently on Pages. One major omission is that one cannot create a graph directly from a table (you have to 'cut and paste').

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 27, 08:37 PM
    why would it be a mistake for us to vote you off?

    Go back in your hole WW.

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  • MikeTheC
    Jan 26, 12:20 AM
    Much like stupid users, stock market investors are a whole class of people for whom I have not the slightest bit of pity.

    Apple's stock went down basically due to two factors. First, Apple's Stevenote and subsequent quarterly were lackluster. That's under Apple's direct control.

    Second, the market was going down anyhow, so it dragged Apple's stock with it. Yet somehow Apple (or any other company) is supposed to react to this? Why? Because a bunch of fickle-minded simpletons want their money after behaving in a way which helped to contribute to lower stock prices? Yech. Give me a break.

    Yes, I know the economy is in a slump. Er, downturn. Um, recession. Yeah, whatever. Call it what you will. But why companies have this fear-threat knee-jerk reaction to stock price when it has absolutely nothing to do with what they have done (which, again to be clear, is only 50% true here in Apple's case), I'll simply never know.

    I, for one, didn't care for Stevenote '08. I think there should have been other things for Steve to have introduced. And they wouldn't have to be lavishly over-the-top, either. Just good, useful, and desired things. But nevertheless, it's not like I think Apple's leadership suddenly all developed alzheimers' and now *oh my God* the ship's going to run a-ground, oh save us, save us!

    Load of crap, the lot of it.

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  • jessep28
    Oct 19, 11:33 PM


    Just because people won't buy a $1200-$4000 computer as fast as they buy a $249 iPod is not Apple's fault. It's economics. Plus the same people who are buying the iPod are oftentimes the same people buying 2, 3 or more 'Pods for their relatives as gifts.

    Give Apple a break. Their computer line-up is excellent.

    I agree with the economics standpoint. Computers are Long Term assets more than the $100-300 iPod that the consumer purchases.

    You of course are seeing iPod sales increase - that's Apple's cash cow. I think that using Q3 growth which include the back to school season as indicitave of Apple's real growth is a little premature.

    If you saw the numbers, notebooks saw a strong increase, while desktops only saw a marginal increase. Now, of course more college kids are going to get laptops. That could be a source of the larger movement in notebooks.

    I really want to see how things turn out in Q4. If units shipped drops or stays stagnant, then I would discount all the archetype changes in the Mac lines are producing real sales growh. However, if sales still stay reletively strong, then Apple may be in for some real growth in areas not just iPod related.

    We are headed into the Christmas (Holiday) shopping season. I know iPods are going to be strong, but am really excited to see if the growth in Mac sales continues to increase.

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 18, 05:20 PM
    Can't find ant update ad to when they will reinstate them...

    Apr 22, 06:22 PM
    Waiting for LTE. As long as I can still play FIFA on it I am cool with waiting till the iP6. My iPhone 4 is just fine

    Nov 21, 12:14 PM
    Will VMWare cut it ? I head some discussion on the poor performace Parallels has when it comes to disk access (compiling is disk intensive).

    I find compiling is NOT disk intensive. Not if you have enough RAM installed. In my case the tools AND all the source code can fit in the system's cache.

    Apr 22, 04:51 AM

    That and Apples incredible profit is what makes them look so paranoid, petty, and stupid.

    Instead of acting like the world class company they could be, Apple comes across as fools.

    I must admit, I'm much happier being seen with my Galaxy S.

    When one is seen in this town (New York) with an iPhone they look at you like "oh, you're one of those snobs".

    Yet the irony is they're a dime a dozen here.

    Well, say what you want to say but stop abusing Apple fans. For once, you should realise you are on a Apple fan site. Love Apple or hate Apple, show some decency towards Apple fans.

    Jan 28, 02:44 PM
    Lol I pretty much killed that whole bag in one day. $9 in my belly!

    Picked up a 32gb Transcend Class 10 SDHC for the hp mini. $50 is not bad for all that extra storage space.

    Are the Transcends pretty good cards? I need to get some high capacity SD cards for some read only storage, and I've never had any experience with SDHC cards.

    Where'd you pick these up?

    Jul 21, 10:44 AM
    Now that Apple have got an entire range of consumer machines ( laptops, desktops etc ) that can compete in terms of performance against their Window-PC counterparts, I'd expect nothing less - and expect the share to continue.

    ( Really - G4s had their day years ago ).

    Good Stuff.