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call of duty black ops player card

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  • roadbloc
    Mar 14, 06:54 AM
    Garageband is a great product and is pretty innovative.

    I disagree. GarageBand is nothing but a mere childs toy compaired to the likes of Pro-Tools and the Ableton Suite. Even Logic (GarageBand for grown ups) is pretty damn basic compaired to what DigiDesign put into their products.

    Steve can say "This is not a toy!" in his demos as much as he likes. GarageBand is a toy.

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty Black Ops - Top
  • Call of Duty Black Ops - Top

  • overbyte
    Jan 10, 07:09 AM
    dell are making the latitude xt with mutitouch and stylus support (built by n-trig and notable because both actions are governed by the same hardware rather than 2 competing systems as seen on previous touch/stylus tablets)

    it sucks that apple hasn't done anything for it's traditional design audience - i can't believe that i'm actually thinking about going over to pc so that i can do what i want with my hardware rather than waiting for apple to deign to look in my direction


    would be nice if they did tho - asus said the tablet was on it's way and n-trig have hinted about 'other hardware manufacturers' being quite keen on their tech

    call of duty black ops player card. BlackOps Player Cards Tuesday,
  • BlackOps Player Cards Tuesday,

  • killuminati
    Sep 8, 09:52 AM
    So Saunders then what you're saying is that to believe in god you can't swear? He's not sending mixed messages because his songs aren't saying ******* god.

    And just so you know, compared to any other big rappers right now, Kanye doesn't swear at all. He has the cleanest lyrics of any of the current big rappers because he isn't gangsta rap.

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty Black Ops:
  • Call of Duty Black Ops:

  • JPark
    May 3, 01:51 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    call of duty black ops player card. on Call of Duty Black Ops
  • on Call of Duty Black Ops

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:40 AM
    I can't help but laugh. :D

    On a side not I had to ask my Aussie flat-mates where the Gong was. The Gong is defiantly easier to say. ;)

    I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.

    call of duty black ops player card. “Call of Duty : Black Ops”
  • “Call of Duty : Black Ops”

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 18, 08:33 AM
    plus they tend to do well in society regardless of the persecution.

    Or, perhaps, because of? Makes them tougher.

    Discuss. :)

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • skunk
    Aug 12, 05:49 AM
    would anyone care to explain why the uk price for a 30" cinema display is �1549 whereas in the US it is $1999 (around �1054.71) even with VAT included this still only comes to �1,239.28 - so why the huge margin...I guess it's not called rip-off Britain for nothing eh...Excluding VAT, my edu disc price is �1,213.00. I'm sorely tempted to order.

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops » Post
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops » Post

  • Mike31c
    Nov 18, 10:01 AM
    I don't see why AMD and Intel OSX laptops can't live together... We all see the windoze users have their choice of AMD or Intel, dual cores or single cores... why can't Apple/OSX?

    As for the G5 ibook/powerbook, well judging by the way the G5 iMac was built, then frankly, I don't see why a G5 laptop could not of been built. The current line of iMacs practically IS a notebook on a vertical stand so they could of put it in a notebook form. Besides, how do we know the G5 iBook does not exist?

    I mean besides from the fact that "unless Mr. Jobs says it exists, it does not exist" logic. :p

    Come on folks, there has to be a LOT of stuff in the R&D labs of Apple that we will never know of or see because of a change of the Master Plan of Steve Jobs:

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • HarryKeogh
    Mar 24, 03:38 PM
    Just saw the YouTube videos of Steve unveiling OS X at MacWorld.

    So funny at what people cheered for back then like items in the dock magnifying as the cursor goes over them.

    Thankfully, we never get excited about little things like that anymore. :D

    call of duty black ops player card. CoD: Black Ops + Android  win
  • CoD: Black Ops + Android win

  • joeboy_45101
    Oct 28, 09:40 PM
    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    call of duty black ops player card. Playercard Image Leaked
  • Playercard Image Leaked

  • R.Perez
    Apr 27, 09:35 PM
    Feral children think they are animals

    Newsflash, homo sapien sapien is just another species of mammal, like any other.

    call of duty black ops player card. Duty Black Ops playercard.
  • Duty Black Ops playercard.

  • World Citizen
    Apr 5, 04:02 PM
    Is it too late for April Fool's?

    Edit - I kinda want a McRib now...


    Even before I red the news item i had sended it to a friend...

    They ******* canceld the mc rib in holland. Now I have to drive to germany every other week.. And ONLY for the mc rib... The rest is garbage, the mc rib is nice garbage.

    call of duty black ops player card. Player Card Black Ops.
  • Player Card Black Ops.

  • juststranded
    Oct 17, 04:20 PM
    The porn industry did choose blu-ray because of capactiy and because they believe the PS3 will be a huge factor in the winning format.

    GO HERE! (http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/05/02/pornhd/index.php?lsrc=mwrss)

    call of duty black ops player card. Black Ops Funny Player Card
  • Black Ops Funny Player Card

  • zephxiii
    Dec 23, 08:57 AM
    i usually just read these and do not post, but i decided to finally register and join the action. i know the arguement against lte in the iphone for vzw, but i say why wouldnt they? they like to be on the cutting edge dont they? as to the arguement on the original being edge not 3g, there was no 3g android when the original iphone came out now android has a significant share of the smartphone market and they are coming out with lte devices at ces for verizon. why would apple wnat to be so far behind android phones in terms of lte and 3g. i think that if apple were to launch a lte phone in june, then why not just launch it in february? what is the difference in a few months when people will be buying up lte android phones in droves after CES

    Apple usually isn't cutting edge. I mean why wasn't the first iPhone 3g when there was 3G in the US and EU? That and LTE chipsets are kinda new, voice isn't working over LTE yet. It would probably be easier and cheaper to just do CDMA (which Apple is already new at). LTE also might cause a negative effect on batt. life which Apple doesn't like etc. etc.

    Remember all the reasons why the first iPhone didn't have 3g? something about chipsets not mature enough (i disagree), battery life (disagree), and I thought there was something about PCB space too but dunno.

    Hell we haven't seen any job ads for LTE engineers either.

    So no, it most likely will not have LTE, and there has not been any valid hints that it would either.

    call of duty black ops player card. Funny Black Ops Player Card
  • Funny Black Ops Player Card

  • TripHop
    Apr 25, 11:44 PM
    I don't know if I'd even want them to bother if it's only going from 3.5 to 3.7. Doesn't seem like the difference would be noticeable.It's The Dual Core A5 Inside And The Better Rear Camera That Are Most Important. While I'm all for up to a 4" screen within a similar to the current size form factor, I know from iPad 2 experience that the A5 is the most important new component. Performance is radically better with A5 inside. :)

    I would really appreciate a 64GB storage model even if I had to pay $399 for it. I don't know what the market is for that much storage capacity. Might be too small for Apple to bother offering. But I keep wishing for this each year.

    My guess is it will ship in the September-October time frame - early Fall. I also think they may add T-Mobile as a carrier then, perhaps even Sprint. I think it's only a matter of another year or two at the most for iPhones to be on all major US domestic carriers.

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • applekid
    Apr 15, 11:54 PM
    Re-read your post on the first page. So, there's been no one that has run into rtgoldfish on X-Box Live? :confused:

    At least that could make for a possible lead if someone could get the thief to say where he/she lives.

    call of duty black ops player card. Black Ops player cards
  • Black Ops player cards

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:43 PM
    It does now!

    Try http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/j47d52oo/event/ also

    call of duty black ops player card. Black Ops Prestige Playercard
  • Black Ops Prestige Playercard

  • NebulaClash
    Dec 13, 03:01 PM
    ^ this.

    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.

    call of duty black ops player card. BLACK OPS PLAYERCARD ART

  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 08:52 AM
    I don't see how the writing on the iPhone is crooked or whatever, maybe I'm blind. The photo looks real. But I hope it's not, and if it is real, I hope that's just a prototype, because I don't like the square shape and the angular edges on the back.

    Apr 11, 10:32 PM
    I'd like to see Windows 8 use a Linux kernel underlying the GUI itself.. Microsoft could have some potential, but should not copy from Apple.


    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

    Oct 28, 04:38 PM
    The thin veneer is off the vast majority of people that clamor for OSS.

    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.

    OSX as we know it would not exist without the work "OSS crowd" did and does. So it's only appropriate for Apple to contribute back to the community, as it has done and hopefully continues to do.

    Apr 29, 06:35 PM
    Where do people get the idea that scrollbars have changed? :confused:
    They're just like they were before the update.

    They don't read the forum completely before they comment.

    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.

    There are 2 gaping holes in this commercial. Looking at the map I'm positive Verizon is counting 1xRTT in their footprint, just like they have stopped giving a breakdown on their coverage map by calling all data access "Broadband". They are also using some weird algorithm for their map as looking at even basic phone coverage 50% or more of upstate NY should be white. Not because Verizon's got a bad network, but because it's wilderness and farm country.

    Unfortunately none of the YouTube videos clearly show the weaselease at the end of the commercial that I'm sure will show how they have manipulated this map.

    Jan 12, 02:36 AM
    I would love to see you come up with something revolutionary.

    just because i can't come up with something revolutionary doesn't mean i can't say other things aren't.

    The hardware, what do you want them to do? Come out with a floating phone? They do have to make something that is relatively affordable. They can't possibly make a platinum apple phone with surround sound speakers floating around it and tag it at $20,000. You would complain anyway.

    hm. i think the point of revolutionary is so its function is not so obvious?

    and just for the record, i don't want platium apple phone with surround sound speaker floating around it. ew.

    again, i'm not saying iphone is crap, it's not the best thing in the world. gah

    What else were you hoping for?

    if he want to call it revolutionary, i was hoping for something revolutionary.