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business letter

business letter. Business Letter Professional
  • Business Letter Professional

  • ricosuave
    Jan 11, 05:12 PM
    It has to be the long waited iPhone iTunes store now on the Edge network!

    business letter. Business Letter Template
  • Business Letter Template

  • rovex
    Apr 26, 06:36 PM
    Whether or not Britain is the "most tolerant" country among a field containing some much worse, blacks (and Irish) were openly discriminated against, and certainly in the case of blacks, still are. Many in the UK would rather that the natives from their former colonies just remembered their place.

    You're the stating the obvious, of course discrimination is happening in the UK, in every country it's happening but, it's undoubtedly less prevalent than in other nations.

    business letter. Formatting Business Letter.
  • Formatting Business Letter.

  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 29, 10:46 AM
    Sounds like a good system. A person can buy a dummy pc if they want, a linux box, or a Mac.

    You missed my point. Microsoft makes many of its billions by selling directly to OEMs, who have no choice but to buy the latest Windows OS from Microsoft. This insures that every one of Microsoft's OS releases is an automatic "success." They sell billions worth, no matter how undesirable it may be in reality.

    business letter. library of usiness letter
  • library of usiness letter

  • kangaroo
    Sep 6, 09:23 AM
    I'll wait for the Media Centre Edition to ship - that's one of the "super secret" parts of OSX 10.5 that hasn't been shown.

    Could you expand on this? What will the Media edition add to the pot? Thanks.

    business letter. usiness letter
  • usiness letter

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 2, 09:19 AM
    I sometimes wonder what the world would be like today if over the last 30 years we had spent 80% of our military budget on actually productive *****.

    "*****" :confused:




    business letter. Business Letter
  • Business Letter

  • sikkinixx
    Sep 6, 08:28 AM
    *sigh* still no good video card...

    business letter. personal usiness letter
  • personal usiness letter

  • srathi
    Mar 29, 12:14 AM
    Sold out in 8 hours??? What on earth is this? A Hannah Montana concert? Dang it, I was gonna go too :cool:

    What about Google I/O then? It was sold in just 59 minutes!

    Apple is doomed!TM :D

    business letter. usiness letter format sample.
  • usiness letter format sample.

  • Gregintosh
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    Uh, yes really. I deal with manufacturers professionally. Unless something is labor intensive and low value added (like clothing,) the only reason to manufacture in China is for the currency exchange rates and lax environmental laws.

    Why do you think Haier, a Chinese company, is profitably manufacturing in South Carolina?

    So explain the 920,000 workers FoxConn employs.

    Clearly, something in manufacturing gadgets and electronics, which is FoxConn's primary business, requires a lot of labor or else they wouldn't be employing close to a million people!

    business letter. Business Letter Practice 98
  • Business Letter Practice 98

  • lethalOne
    Nov 12, 10:16 PM
    Yeah, the point just flew right above your head. Just like 99% of the posters on this thread. This is not about others "reviewing" our apps. It is about the process itself. Do you know that Trillian (yep, the messenger) has been in review for 2 months now without a word from Apple?

    Spending time, money, and effort working on an App, submitting it then sitting not knowing what is going to happen or when you are going to hear back from them is ridiculous. Assuming after waiting 3 weeks, they found a bug in your app. You know what happens? Even if you can fix the bug in 1 min? You are sent to the back of the queue for another 3 weeks. That is almost 2 months to get your app to the store. I know some dude who had his app approved after 4 months. A complete joke!

    This developer that you are joking about worked on Firefox (yeah, that's right!) and firebug (one of the best FF extensions EVER).

    You guys are funny.

    I get the point. Really.

    He might be a great developer - but his app crashes consistently for me.

    He is philosophically opposed to the process. Tough. QA takes time.
    I don't get to write and deploy code - I watch it go through committees and batteries of tests. Reviews are part of life - even within Firefox I'm sure Mozilla reviews code.

    He should test it before sending it in. No loops that way.
    To me he is a whiner.

    business letter. to all usiness letters to
  • to all usiness letters to

  • steve_hill4
    Nov 8, 04:53 AM
    If I go to the Australian Apple Store the delivery time for a Black MacBook is 3-5 days.

    If I go to configure and upgrade it to 1Gb RAM the delivery time falls to 2-4 days!!!

    Explain that to me all you rumo(u)r experts:confused:

    Don't know, but assuming you ordered that and the BlackBook was upgraded before dispatch, you would possibly get 2GB for the same price, or the option to go down to standard 1GB config and money back. That's assuming Apple sees sense and ups it to 1GB as well as C2D.

    business letter. Filed Under Business Letter,
  • Filed Under Business Letter,

  • twoodcc
    Nov 27, 10:08 AM
    Money talks. &*^#*@!# walks. :)

    money talks is right. i hope it happens though

    business letter. Label the usiness letter in
  • Label the usiness letter in

  • pound4pound30
    Mar 25, 12:20 PM
    Hopefully it fixes the FaceTime glitch on the iPad 2.

    business letter. StyleWriter Business Letter
  • StyleWriter Business Letter

  • womble2k2
    Mar 19, 02:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The old posts are hilarious & full of negative comments about how the iPod will flop. The advice for Apple to get out of the "gadget" business are very funny.

    Interesting how things change, the forum following the iPhone launch couldn't have been any more different;
    This is a breathtaking device that I can see alot of people wanting, especially me! I wonder who they will partner with in the UK? Congrats Apple Inc!

    Very impressive! Worth the standing ovation and the $6 gain in AAPL share price.

    Now the long wait begins.

    How they kept the name "iPhone" is impressive in its own right!

    Originally NOT Posted by Steve Ballmer!!!
    For what it does $599 isn't bad even if it comes with a contract

    Fantastic! Palm's CEO going to be eating his words now. 1%. That's funny. They are going to blow by that in the first month.

    Amazing how things change over time, from Apple should do gadgets and just focus on computers, to this in less than six years!

    business letter. Sample Business Letter
  • Sample Business Letter

  • joepunk
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    I have no idea if this really happened.

    http://www.thestranger.com/images/blogimages/2010/09/13/1284407243-161478753-ea9cac33f30347ef2e7df2f278fb3612.4c8e7bb8-scaled.jpg (http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2010/09/13/halo-fans-get-thee-to-emp)
    a Spartan is apparently circling Trafalgar Square in a jetpack

    Would be cool if it really did happen but I have my doubts unless someone here confirms the photo.

    business letter. Translating Business Letters
  • Translating Business Letters

  • nlr
    Mar 25, 03:44 PM
    Not seeing any battery drain here yet. 2.5 hours since I updated and the iPhone 4 is still advertising 100% battery. Granted I haven't used it much. :P

    So its better than the previous version for battery life?

    business letter. for a usiness letter.
  • for a usiness letter.

  • mobi
    Nov 3, 02:11 PM
    Adobe stop your childish games. Fix your applications. CS3 w/ Snow Leopard is horrible. Boooooo!

    business letter. usiness letter example. the
  • usiness letter example. the

  • T'hain Esh Kelch
    Mar 21, 01:15 PM
    Anyone else think they'll probably rename the iPod touch to simply "iPod"? I think it makes sense, considering almost all of their products feature multi-touch technology at this point.
    They won't. You wouldn't know if people talked about iPods in general or iPod touches.

    business letter. usiness letter template.
  • usiness letter template.

  • gameface
    Mar 9, 12:43 PM
    3 pictures


    *One Photo per Day - Don't post multiple images in one message.


    business letter. Business Letter Format
  • Business Letter Format

  • AxisOfBeagles
    Mar 6, 05:58 PM
    The tail end of a long weekend down here south of the border. Have one or two photos to share from the trip. Here's one ...


    Mar 25, 01:12 PM
    When I just upgraded through iTunes on Mac, after downloading for a second it flashed "Verifying iPhone with Apple".

    Has that been there before? Did I miss it in the past?It always does that, it actually signs the OS from Apple's servers. So now 4.3 cannot be installed anymore.

    Nov 25, 02:12 PM
    :D Keith, how do you like it. Is there a major difference between that set and the mono set. I am curious because I have been eyeing that purchase.

    I assume that you have the Mono set. If so, you have the better one (other than missing Abbey Road and Let It Be. As has been said many times they are better mixes and the differences are fairly significant in places. Due to the differences, it's easier to argue that you need the both.

    I like the Mono set packaging, with the replica sleeves, but the stereo set packaging is also very good with better sleeve notes and the mini documentaries. The box set comes with all the documentaries on one DVD which is better than watching them individually on the CD's

    Go on, you know you want to. :)

    May 4, 11:06 PM
    FIRST the ipad will have retina display. THEN MAYBE possibly (hopefully not) it can have 3D features.

    Though I really dislike the idea, 3D is all the craze these days :/ But I wouldn't want to wear special glasses to mess with an iPad--that's not very portable.

    Mar 25, 12:19 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/25/apple-releases-ios-4-3-1/)


    Sep 4, 07:07 PM
    Has anyone considered that apple might not be realeasing the wide screen super secret video ipod because it dosn't exist?

    lets all think for a second...

    1) touch screens are weak, soft, and matte, not iPod at all
    2) they get printy and scratched very easily
    3) they would go through oodles of batter power
    4) Apple would not make the thing bigger just to hold the extra battery
    5) battery life would STINK
    6) touch screen starts to complicate the interface, goes against apple's easy as pie rule
    7) the thing would have to cost a fortune

    Logic has no place on the internet ;)

    But seriously that is a good post, it's similar to points others have brought up during the last few months.