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texas chainsaw massacre

texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • tigress666
    Mar 28, 07:18 PM
    Heh, my roommate tells me he's got a family friend where the husband and wife have figured out a good compromise (only works if both sides are actually decent with money ;) ).

    If either buys an expensive purchase, the other side gets to also buy something of equivalent value. Apparently it keeps them in check about overspending cause they realize it will cost their household twice the amount of money and it stays fair cause both sides get to enjoy a purchase of their own.

    Anyways, to the people making jokes about the wife being over controlling, projecting much? Other than the wife saying no, we have no idea why she said no. It could be they are on a tight budget (and the husband tends to be a little too impulsive with his spending). Or that they discussed it and realized they could use the money better elsewhere.

    And just cause she said no doesn't mean he hasn't told her no on some of her purchases either... One of her arguements could be, "I wasn't able to get this cause we're trying to save for this and yet you got that?".

    You don't know the whole story and it amazes me how people immediately assume the wife is just some controlling witch and that the guy is just some poor schmuck at the whim of his wife. Maybe his wife is having to put up with having a tight budget and a husband who doesn't know how to conserve money when needed. Maybe they even both discussed it and both came to the conclusion that he didn't need it and just for humor value he joked to the clerk when returning it, "Wife said no." (Maybe he was just embarrassed to be returning it so joked that to not look so bad himself, it was her fault obviously. Maybe she was there and didn't even mind him blaming her jokingly).

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

  • SteveSparks
    Mar 11, 06:01 PM
    No Surprise it is a fake...

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is

  • SpaceMagic
    Aug 24, 01:25 PM
    Mine IS affected but the site is down! So annoying!

    Kinda happy though, my battery isn't going that strong anymore.. coconutbattery reports 85%

    texas chainsaw massacre. DVDAuthority - Texas Chainsaw
  • DVDAuthority - Texas Chainsaw

  • intelliot
    Mar 29, 06:48 AM
    Either scalpers have swooped in or there are a lot more geeks that just want to attend the conference.

    I was seriously disappointed when I attended last years one, the Apple engineers couldn't answer either of my questions, the presentations only reaffirmed what I already knew or pointed to documentation / demo code that every developer got for free anyway.

    If you are a serious developer and want to attend the conference to actually learn its a serious disappointment. But I guess most conferences are just to network and geek it up which is why it sold out I guess.

    What were your questions?

    I was trying to add external display support to my iOS wireless collaborative drawing app (http://www.greengar.com/apps/whiteboard/), but I had run into a few problems. At WWDC I was able to work with 2 Apple engineers until we solved it. It was awesome; definitely worth it.

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • e-coli
    Aug 8, 01:59 AM
    Steve looks unhealthy. He's not as sharp as he used to be. His keynotes were flawless. He stuttered several times, forgot what he was saying in mid sentence, and handed a considerable amount of the keynote to other people. Steve was a control freak in past WWDC keynotes.

    I think he may be in not-so-good health. But I've said that before.

    texas chainsaw massacre. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE:NEXT

  • SMM
    Nov 27, 12:33 PM
    Geez, this is a MONEY LOSER if there ever was one.
    I loved the beatles when I was 6.
    But, these days who's going to be buying these tracks!!!

    Steve must love the Beatles, because this is a gift.
    And will hardly be a profitable venture.

    Yes, the stereo effect on the early albums is hard on headphones.
    The drums ONLY in the Right ear.
    The Guitars ONLY in the Left...

    My nieces and nephews, ages 15-20, love the Beatles, Stones, Floyd, Zeppelin, Who, etc. They listen to their own genre too, of course. Beatles music is timeless. It is rather amazing when one considers the album "Meet The Beatles" is well over 40 years old.

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • iTravis
    Apr 2, 01:54 AM
    U Mad? :confused:

    My sentiments exactly. . .

    It probably was a typo though, I don't see how iPhone 4 users are complaining, if anything it's the people going to be off contract I.E the 3GS crowd.
    Regardless if people want the latest in tech it's their business. I can't wait to upgrade though :p

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • gnasher729
    Nov 7, 10:49 AM
    The MacBook doesn't need a Core 2 Duo processor. Apple needs to leave a gap between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro.

    That is marketing for losers.

    If there is a gap, and Apple doesn't fill it, someone else will. An artificial gap like this one, when Intel's price for Yonah and Merom at same clock speed is identical, just annoys people. At the moment this is still acceptable; Merom production is not a full capacity yet, and you can't expect Apple to update all products simultaneously, but in two months time MacBook sales would just disappear.

    Smaller screen, smaller harddisk, integrated graphics, these are all things that people can accept because they save money. Using CoreDuo doesn't save Apple any money; that kind of gap would be just taking your customers for idiots. And I could not possibly imagine that kind of thinking from Apple at all.

    texas chainsaw massacre. the texas chainsaw massacre
  • the texas chainsaw massacre

  • starflyer
    Apr 2, 09:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Then get a Xoom.

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3

  • zap2
    Aug 24, 01:03 PM
    This is the correct one:


    No, its not.. that for a different recall..https://support.apple.com/ibook_powerbook/batteryexchange/index.html thats the right link

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4: The
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4: The

  • Kimbie
    Oct 13, 03:15 PM
    If you're getting the rid of the Dell monitor, as long as it's still in working condition, let me know� I'm interested :D


    Yeah its still in good working order, only got the 24" Samsung to replace my other 2001FP as I dropped it


    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The

  • dwwd
    Oct 15, 10:16 PM
    "Hi girl, catch this music im zunning to you..."

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is

  • geordieny
    May 5, 04:09 AM
    This is just stupid. Apple won't follow this fad for two reasons.

    Firstly, touch screen 3D doesn't work because it kills the 3D illusion once you touch it and the extra dimension will lead to people confused, "where should i touch??"

    Secondly, a group in the UK have developed a portable device that can project a touch-screen hologram onto any surface. far more useful and impressive than the childish concept of 3D.

    see it for yourself (thank you stumbleupon :-P)


    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

  • skip2
    Mar 18, 02:10 PM
    LOL. The old thread is absolutely hilarious. Nothing, NOTHING has changed in 10 years. The stuff discussed on these forums today is exactly the same. Kinda makes you think if it's even worth reading as it's all the same anyway. :)

    I personally like the "big" capacity of the classic but am not a fan of the UI. Although, I don't think the UI of the iPod Touch/iPhone is the best for a music only device either. Anyway, I'm glad I have the 160GB classic as it fits all my music right now and at least for a few years probably. I would like to see Apple revamp it completely and make it better and easier to use/more intuitive in every way and hooking it up with that 220GB HDD release a while ago instead of just killing it off and introducing a 128GB iPod Touch. I don't think this will happen though. :(

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

  • faroZ06
    May 4, 11:23 PM
    Maybe, but up here in Canada we have to pay through the roof for bandwidth so Netflix is kind of lame. I don't think all the players are being sold that cheap there are just more companies making cheap ones for the masses. I personally like Blu Ray for the quality that Netflix can't offer.

    However, I could be wrong does Netflix deliver 1080P?

    It does offer 1080p. Where I live, we have cheap bandwidth because we are near a station :), but most people can also have 1080p streaming pretty easily. You just wait a few minutes for it to load if you're slower, which is better than going to the store or using mailed rental Blu Ray discs.

    And in America, every retail tech store I have gone to has been selling Blu Ray players at discounted prices. One week they were $300-$1000, then they were soon around $100 or less. No store or company is bragging about Blu Ray here.

    But maybe it's different in Canada?

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • Humber
    Mar 13, 06:08 PM
    Sick of this wait...so now I pretend I have a Mac :)

    texas chainsaw massacre. Texas Chainsaw Massacre,
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre,

  • torbjoern
    Apr 26, 01:04 PM
    Who knows? Maybe there is a genetic component involved.

    I doubt that. I think it's more about widespread anti-intellectualism among blacks, i.e. a cultural thing. This is regardless of social class, btw. More likely than not, a black guy is seen (by his own) as a traitor/sellout if dating white girls, and a phaggot if reading books.

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • rdowns
    Apr 18, 09:05 AM
    Keep in mind Toys R' Us does not support the US Constitution, specifically the 2nd Amendment. While they are a private business and can say what is or isn't permitted in their stores, I will not patronize businesses that infringe upon my rights as an American citizen.

    At least one in every crowd.

    texas chainsaw massacre. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • lgutie20
    Apr 2, 06:23 PM
    Why such a great camera on the iphone and such loser ones on the ipad?

    iPhones are actually more expensive to make than iPads. Thats why you are forced to make a contract with a carrier because when you first get your phone, the carriers are loosing money. It takes two whole months for the carriers to make back all the money they spent on an iPhone.

    That is why the iPhone can be cheaper and have better specs than an iPad could ever have. That is why I believe that the iPhone is actually Apples most advanced technology!

    Apr 2, 03:11 PM
    If you're out, you'd rather pull out your iPad then a phone or camera to take a picture? Really?

    Well my phone does not have a camera and I may not be carrying a camera at the time.

    If an event occurs, then I will use whatever I have to hand at that moment.
    If I happen to be carrying my DSLR then I would use that, if I happen to have the iPad in my hands then I would use that.

    Again, I see no reason to select a worse device other than marketing.

    In the same way, in the old days, your car may not have a stereo, but the deluxe model had a stereo. Despite it only being $20 on a $5000 car.

    It was just done for marketing.

    Or course, if a nice camera added an inch to the back, or $100 to the device then of course, there is a reason not to.

    Apr 4, 05:15 PM
    Heh, my roommate tells me he's got a family friend where the husband and wife have figured out a good compromise (only works if both sides are actually decent with money ;) ).

    If either buys an expensive purchase, the other side gets to also buy something of equivalent value. Apparently it keeps them in check about overspending cause they realize it will cost their household twice the amount of money and it stays fair cause both sides get to enjoy a purchase of their own.

    My wife and I have a similar arrangement. I can have something expensive for my birthday. She can have her expensive curtains or sofa..etc. It works great and it is fair for the two of us. I got Adobe Photoshop Cs5, Audition and Lightroom and a Technet membership. She got cloths and a very expensive coat. I still don't know what to get for my next birthday. :cool:

    Mar 25, 02:28 PM
    downloading for iphone 4 now. Wonder if it fixes the lack of Wireless N functionality on ip4 and atv2? :rolleyes:

    Apr 14, 08:47 AM
    I'm unbelievably excited and I don't even edit video :)

    Just a penchant for good software.

    Sep 23, 09:05 AM
    I haven't read all the posts in this thread (the MBP discussions are most of what I'm caught up in now :rolleyes: ), but I noticed an interesting article on MacNN that talked about this as well. To paraphrase, it said that when the iTunes TV shows were first made available, Walmart sent back DVDs of Lost, Desperate Housewives, etc., refusing to sell them. Looking on Walmart's site now, though, both Seasons 1 and 2 of Lost are available, both online and in stores (just as an example).

    Threatening not to sell movies has a limited impact. I think Walmart is responsible for some 40% of DVD sales (not positive on that number), but if people can't buy DVDs at Walmart, they don't think: "Well shoot, I guess I just won't get this movie." They'll either complain or go somewhere else. This may be tough in communities where Walmart is the only major shopping center, but Walmart can't really blame movie studios when Walmart is the one refusing to sell the product.

    I agree with other peoples' posts when they say that Apple's primary movie market will not really affect Walmart's sales (mostly wealthier middle class types who can afford to dump $300 on a streaming media device). I refuse to shop at Walmart for a variety of reasons myself; this just adds to the list.