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  • tigertazz
    Apr 22, 04:29 PM
    Just a thought

    But apple have hired the carbon fibre specialist? Why not make it lighter and thinner by using him to work his magic over the iPhone form factor. I'd go for a CF iPhone to be sure. :cool:

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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 09:20 AM
    HTC sensation > iphone 5
    That is all

    Based on what? Oh...IC...I want it/have it, so it's better. Great 3rd grade mentality...

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  • stormj
    Jan 28, 02:25 PM
    Not quite. Q1 exceeded everyone expectations financially. But it was the appearance of slowing iPod sales that scared everyone. The reason that Apple made its numbers is because Mac sales were extremely strong and covered the slowing iPod growth.

    That and the very weak guidance for Q2 would scare a lot of investors who thought that Apple was a safe haven.


    The slowing iPod sales are the CW reason why the stock has gone down. But anytime you read what the reason for a market action is, you should be skeptical.

    My view is that Apple's stock was simply overheated due to all of its publicity this year, and the Street was looking for a reason to cool it off, given the prevailing market conditions.

    I don't think in another time the iPod numbers alone would have done that. Margins are higher on macs and mac sales are up -- and that didn't move the number up.

    The market is bad, people are still shy of tech stocks in a bad market (rightly so), Apple has been on a long winning streak and people are starting to wonder. i also think there's a lot of "amateur" demand for Apple that was moving the stock up on all of their hype, without much of a look at the fundamentals. Those people aren't buying stocks right now.

    But, as I said, be skeptical because what I'm saying probably is just another view that gets lost in the noise of the market movements.

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  • brunoecker
    Nov 8, 11:35 PM
    When I was little I never understood why grown ups wanted to get clothes for xmas. http://www.smilepolitely.com/scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/files/opinion/2009/03-Mar/Clothes_Pile.jpg

    my first car!http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg829/scaled.php?tn=0&server=829&filename=33867884828bc4a90f0cb.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640

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  • zachkolk
    Apr 23, 07:10 PM
    I don't believe this. Why would Apple waste money on a carrier that has just been bought?

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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 04:35 PM
    That's a trip, and it's so sad. However, I think it's best for the kids. With experts seeming to rule out mental illness (which probably doesn't just come on), there seems to be a very strong appearance that he's on drugs.I don't think they're ruling out mental illness.

    "To some degree, the media are enablers," Dr. Capretto said. "You don't need to be a psychiatrist to know this is a sick man whose life is spiraling out of control...." Link (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11060/1128800-67.stm)

    "He looks bipolar. He's in a particularly manic phase," psychologist Stuart Fischoff tells the website. "His reality testing has been severely impaired, marked by delusions of grandeur. His head now is as large as the moon."Link (http://www.metronews.ca/edmonton/scene/article/791698--experts-speculate-charlie-sheen-is-bipolar)

    Dr. Joe Calabrese , director of the Mood Disorders Program at University Hospitals, said it is impossible to diagnose Sheen without a proper examination, but also said he is exhibiting some of the classic signs of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

    “The highs get worse and then people begin to do things that they regret having done,” he said.

    Dr. Calabrese said some of the signs include being uninhibited, impulsive, with racing thoughts, jumping from one thing to another, which is also known as “flight of ideas.”Link (http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/health/is-charlie-sheen-bipolar-local-experts-weigh-in)

    I would bet this was a problem that's been increasing over time, and his two or three most recent, close-together binges probably brought the disease roaring out.

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  • xbuddycorex
    Apr 22, 06:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love it, don't know how I feel about a chrome back though.

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  • macFanDave
    Jul 21, 12:16 PM
    Although Apple is behind Gateway in market share, Apple's earnings (not revenue, earnings) last quarter (not year, quarter) is pretty close to Gateway's market capitalization!

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  • Funkatronic
    Sep 13, 05:31 PM
    This shipped today, 3 weeks for International Shipping though. Ouch


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  • Socratic
    Apr 29, 06:10 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    At the moment the record labels are pretty much Apple's bitch. They don't like that, and in splitting the digital market (by giving a leg up -ie lower costing- to Amazon and probably a few others) they eventually restore their power to set the terms. Apple is a vendor for their product, yet is in almost complete control. That's normally the other way around.

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  • flopticalcube
    May 1, 10:19 PM
    Mission Accomplished now?

    Yes. They have yet another martyr to rally the faithful.

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  • meepm00pmeep
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    i mean for everyone who waited this long, Santa Rosa is coming up soon, so why not wait for that as well? i say get what you need when you need it... there will always be newer tech down the line

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  • snebes
    Apr 15, 02:44 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

    Stay positive!! iMacs should get an update soon with a free Lion upgrade. At least I hope.

    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    Basically all systems besides MBA and MBP are overdue for an update. iMac and Mac Pro especially.

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  • cupcakes2000
    Apr 12, 08:58 AM
    Taken from the top of Mount Leconte in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

    This is really cool!

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  • gh0sted
    Jul 15, 09:14 PM
    Microsoft is denying it is true. Being that they need the record labels to sign off on their music store, I doubt they'd infringe on already set licenses and risk a music business revolt.

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  • Keleko
    Apr 10, 07:53 PM
    Feeling a bit unmotivated today for a picture. I went for the quick and easy macro.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5185/5608191760_8a3b235fc0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5608191760/in/photostream/)

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  • trule
    Jan 30, 02:18 AM
    Chartists come to absurd conclusions, such as AAPL having support at 60. This means a trailing P/E based on current earnings (without growth) of around 15. At 40, we're talking a P/E of ten. This assumes that AAPL's growth days are over, as of now. Does anything we know about the company, including its historical growth and product offerings comport with the idea of Apple turning into Dow Chemical? I don't think so.

    PE's historically range between 7(bear lows) and 18 (bull highs) so 10 would be about the point where the weekly P&F chart (54) turns bearish.

    However you must consider that AAPL is 100% discretionary consumer spending so when recession hits consumers will cut back in favour of things like food and oil. Want another negative, here is one, 18 billion in cash...held in a fast depreciating currency (lost half its value over the past 6 years). Or how about this, DRM free music, sure to result in more file sharing and less iTunes sales. And on the topic of iTunes, another negative, all that new competition...one of them is sure to break the AAPL hold on that market.

    That weekly P&F chart is the worst I have seen in the past 5 years :eek:

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  • Funny Screen Name Ideas

  • TurtleDragon
    Mar 31, 11:26 AM
    way to go prioritizing cartoony graphics to chew up my valuable screen real estate instead of giving me something useful like a to-do list.

    seriously...why does apple insist on making me use clunky-ass Outlook just to have an integrated email/calendar/to-do workflow? it's the simplest and most obvious feature hole to fill!

    does anyone here actually find their "task" implementation useful at all?

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  • Funny Screen Name Ideas

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 16, 07:05 AM
    I hope this OS is to be bought & downloaded through the App Store and updates come through the generic "software update".

    I think it will be on the App Store.. and via a physical disk. I have friends who don't have fast enough internet to even play xboxlive.. and have a high-speed limit of like 500MBs a day. So yeah.

    Aug 15, 03:02 PM
    I like the safari updates like the warnings and ability to consolidate tabs into one window. Those are some little things I've wished for.

    There are some add-on's available to accomodate some of these today, but I'm happy to see them finally being integrated into the app itself.

    Sep 12, 09:43 PM
    What did you think surely? I looked up Jamba's strawberries wild nutritional value and it about equals the mdondalds one. That's not bad considering everything out of mcdonalds is scary high in calories.

    I really liked it. I couldn't really taste the banana very much, but that's not a big deal. I'll never buy anything else there (besides coffee), but I'll totally buy that again.

    I got a small, but I think the medium size is the sweet spot.

    Sep 13, 12:48 PM

    That's good stuff..... I'll have to pick some up this week.:cool:

    My weekend beer purchase was some Blue Moon.

    I got the 16gb "iWatch" two days ago. Another two weeks or I will be back at the store to get the new Apple TV.

    Okay, we get it- you got the nano and turned it into a watch.

    Dec 1, 02:23 PM
    C'mon Apple... don't let us down here.

    I agree with the other posters here that Apple needs to take this seriously and kick it into high gear. Send a message to the world (or at least your user-base) that you're on top of the situation.

    I for one, feel that Apple will come through, and am glad becuase I think there will always be a huge "community effort" put into making our choice of platforms better in terms of security

    Jun 27, 08:55 PM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Well then I have one sage piece of advice for you.

    Don't drink and park, accidents can cause people. :D