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  • manu chao
    Apr 13, 08:31 PM
    At this point, waiting another 3 - 5 months for an iPhone 5 would be more prudent than being locked into something so soon before a new device comes out.
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

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  • Funny Names To Use In Games

  • ChrisA
    Oct 23, 10:46 AM
    What Microsoft is trying to prevent is running a data center off one copy of Home Edition. You would do it by buying an 8-core computer then installing one copy of Home edition and then VMware and then running a dozon virtual machiones each with another copy of Home Edition installed. What Microsoft is saying now ios that in order to do this you need to buy the "Big Bucks Edition" of Vista.

    funny nicknames. funny nicknames
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  • phoenix9744
    Jul 12, 07:25 AM
    Steve Jobs knew about this in January... this says a lot about his vision. I'm confident that he is already well-prepared for this and has something up his sleeve to counter it.

    There will NOT be a sudden exodus to Argo from iPod. If it ever happens, it will be gradual and easy to fix.

    Sounds a bit like the CEO of Sony when the Xbox was released...lets just hope microsoft doesn't do to this industry leader what it did to Sony

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  • nicknames for golfers. funny

  • terraphantm
    May 4, 03:42 PM
    At&t bumped my upgrade eligibility from 11/30/2011 to 6/30/2011. That must mean Apple is giving *me* the iPhone in June, right? :rolleyes:

    funny nicknames. have a funny nickname?
  • have a funny nickname?

  • reflex
    Oct 24, 07:54 AM
    Wonderful update. I hope the 160GB upgrade isn't too expensive, but 1GB standard and starting at 120GB are more than I expected or even hoped for.

    I was also still doubting if I should get a MB or MBP, but that question has been settled today.

    funny nicknames. re: Funny nicknames
  • re: Funny nicknames

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 28, 12:45 AM
    sounds good! you'll really stack up on points then! what kind of motherboard do you have with the 920?

    also, how are your amd machines doing?

    1/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200 board
    2/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    3/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    4/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    5/Phenom X4 9600 ~12 min/frame/normal wu on Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H
    6/Phenom II X4 965 black ~5-6 min/frame/normal wu on Asus M4479T Deluxe

    7/MSI X58 Pro w/ i7 920 ~3-4 min/frame/normal wu
    8/'09 Mac Pro 2x Xeon 5550 26 min 40 sec /frame/bigadv wu

    funny nicknames. Strange amp; Funny Boat Names (25
  • Strange amp; Funny Boat Names (25

  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    My favorite iPhone design was the first one. Bring back the aluminum and rounded sides. It's not comfortable to hold this iPhone 4 brick!

    Currently using the original iPhone (don't ask...I lost an iPhone 4, and a 3GS, and thought it better to wait till iPhone 5 before springing a decent sum of money for a new one), the aluminum looks seriously dated.

    Although, maybe it will look a lot sweeter if they made it iPod Touch thin...

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  • this post:Funny town names

  • wyatt23
    Aug 15, 04:27 PM
    i think everything about the leopard looks amazing. i cannot wait for someone to waste a few hundred on vista super duper ultimate media server edition. and os x will still be the next best thing

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  • funny nicknames, words,

  • RacerX
    Dec 2, 10:31 AM
    Funny thing is that I don't see anyone in this forum going into hysteria about this other than the people saying that "this is a load of FUD." Why is it such a shock that MacOSX can be vulnerable?It isn't a shock that Mac OS X is vulnerable. What is shocking is that it is front page news to people.

    Why is this even note worthy? Why is this even NEWS WORTHY?

    Why cover what are (to most Mac users) non-issues? More importantly, why aid the PC press in making cracking a Mac a limelight subject?

    Misery may love company, but do we really need to add to the frenzied coverage that this subject currently has?

    And oddly (or maybe not), the people most likely to fall for the hype on all this are former PC users who (wrongly) believe that any level of malicious software is equivalent to what ever the current level is for Windows (where malicious software is actually a profession).

    You aren't a former (current) PC user, are you longofest? It would explain a lot.

    No, it hasn't been exploited to any large extent, but vulnerabilities open up the door to exploits, and the only thing that is keeping us away from having exploits happen is our market share. You may not want to hear that, but as long as we are below 10% of the market, people simply aren't going to target our vulnerabilities, but are going to target MS's vulnerabilities.

    funny nicknames. Those Funny Nicknames for
  • Those Funny Nicknames for

  • sgosine
    Jun 19, 12:23 AM
    Wow! why is this still being discussed?

    funny nicknames. funny nickname 4 karym,
  • funny nickname 4 karym,

  • ForzaJuve
    Apr 26, 12:03 PM
    Yes, that's great, but I am surprised it's already noon and there have been no articles about who is suing who yet.

    funny nicknames. funny nickname 4 karym,
  • funny nickname 4 karym,

  • The Final Cut
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    lol @ everyone that waited for the white iphone...

    funny nicknames. have funny nicknames.
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  • CaryMacGuy
    Apr 22, 10:08 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.

    I think that the current iPhone 4 is too thin and too small (I have big hands). I think a Thunderbolt sized iPhone would be just awesome! The Thunderbolt is the perfect size in my opinion.

    funny nicknames. funny nicknames Forbidden
  • funny nicknames Forbidden

  • FireStar
    Nov 6, 05:36 PM
    I believe those are American Eagle flannels. I have a few and they are really nice. Seeing those makes me want to pick up a new one. :p
    I found 'em. I like them. I want to pick some up too....

    funny nicknames. funny nicknames
  • funny nicknames

  • tigres
    Apr 22, 09:34 AM
    Many get garbage 3G speeds on AT&T in many areas anyway, so what's the point of having a 4G iPhone that GSM provider (insert AT&T) in the US can't even support on a mass basis?

    funny nicknames. had some funny nicknames
  • had some funny nicknames

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 18, 06:21 PM
    I think this is different. Our company is not buying any Intel-based macs until Adobe releases Universal CS, and I don't know why anyone would spend $$ on new hardwre now only to take a performance hit, vs. a performance increase and better hardware bang for the buck by waiting 6-9 months.

    Because not everyone uses Adobe CS, and because you're always going to get better bang for your buck by waiting?

    funny nicknames. Funny Nicknames For Girls
  • Funny Nicknames For Girls

  • iRobby
    Apr 15, 01:35 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

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  • Funny+college+names

  • bartszyszka
    Apr 13, 02:25 PM
    It would be interesting if they provided the parts to other manufacturers for "comes with Apple tv" TVs. The only time they've done something like that though is the Motorola ROKR with iTunes built in and that didn't work out very well at all.

    I can't imagine them selling an Apple-branded TV unless they decide to integrate Apple TVs into the cinema displays? But it seems like most people are buying 40-60" TVs these days and Apple only sells 27" displays now.

    funny nicknames. Funny Dieter Names
  • Funny Dieter Names

  • JesterJJZ
    Jul 24, 06:12 PM
    Has the lag problem been fixed at all on the BT mice? Last time I used a BT mouse I found it to be useless. Unless it's JUST LIKE using a wired mouse I really could care less for it.

    Jul 30, 06:32 AM
    Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy. Theres ideology and then theres reality, I suggest you take a trip into reality. People may think Apple is innovative but so what? Most people buy whats cheap, not whats innovative, and since Dell isnt innovative in anything they do they can afford to be cheap. We have solid proof that innovation doesnt sell as well as affordability, what is there to argue about exactly? I think Apple is perfectly fine with having such a tiny market share especially since iPod is keeping them afloat (how many billions does Jobs need? Hes probably in no rush to make mroe money), but if Apple fans expect Apple to try and get more market share then they should expect them to lower their prices and offer things like Dell.

    This is why I'm not too concerned about Apple getting Dell-like levels of marketshare.

    I see value in both Apple's hardware and their software. In fact, I see more value in the software than the hardware. However, they make most of the money from the hardware, so in effect I'm helping the continued development of Apple's software with my hardware purchases.

    If Apple sold machines for Dell prices, they'd only be able to afford to produce machines and software like Dell. Goodbye iWork, OS X, CoreVideo, xnu, Darwin, Quartz, Cocoa, Carbon, Xcode, Filemaker, Safari, iChat, Final Cut, Aperture, iMovie, iDVD, QuickTime, GarageBand, AppleScript, Compressor, Motion, Soundtrack, Logic, Shake, Xsan, WebObjects, ARD, iTunes... Most of these products existed pre-iPod. Heck, the money for iPod development probably initially came from Mac and software sales.

    Some of Apple's business does intersect with Dell's, but I don't think it's fair to compare the companies as a whole directly. What's good for Dell isn't necessarily good for Apple. Dell's business is low-margin, high-volume and is specialised(*). They integrate components, and shift boxes. If what you need is a box of parts that'll run Windows, then Dell's a good place to buy. But for a sizeable number of people (over a million per quarter), Apple's a better fit.

    A 'large' market share isn't ideal for Apple's business, simply because of the concessions required to reach it would kill the company. What's ideal is a sustainable market share. I think they've got the strategy right: keep developing products which are attractive, price them according to the balance between customer acceptance and fiscal needs, and (above all) simply be around to provide a good platform which is self-sustainable.

    Most people may well buy cheap. But there's a market for Apple's products, and it's looking stable, with signs of measured growth. Sounds good to me.

    (* - it may seem odd to call Dell's products specialised. But they are. Dell's basically a one-trick pony. Their business model allows little else. Consider how long it took them to consider AMD processors. The contemporary wisdom has been that the reason was twofold. Firstly, they were quite likely getting superb prices for Intel processors, and advertising money from Intel that may have been threatened by including AMD models. But also, it was noted that adding AMD machines would introduce an amount of complexity to Dell's supply chain management that could impact their margins. They had to wait until the potential market for AMD-based Dell machines was guaranteed to be large enough that it would offset the costs of diversifying. Dell has very limited flexibility. It has historically worked for them, but investors have been twitch recently over multiple profit warnings from the company)

    Nov 3, 10:02 AM
    Where's my email? :(

    Its in the post! :D

    Apr 30, 03:04 PM
    I'm honestly surprised by a lot of you. The whole "no single android phone outsells the iPhone!" argument, is foolish and weak. It's a platform war. You basically get ONE CHOICE with the iPhone. Now it's a great choice, but of course it's going to be a top seller as a result. There are so many good Android choices out there that a single model isn't going to dwarf the others. Since there are, you know, options? As a platform it seems iOS is getting whooped on. Does that not register, or are people that much in denial?

    Now myself, I like my iPhone, but come on...in this case we are talking about platforms...So weird...

    Well if it's a platform war, Android is getting seriously spanked by iOS. The iOS platform is holding its own in smartphones and still growing in market share and in dedicated media players, portable media players, and tablets, it isn't even a contest. The iPad, Apple TV, iPod Touch and all the rest of the products on the iOS platform are seriously spanking the crap out of the Android alternatives.

    That's one of the reasons why the big developers concentrate more on the iOS platform than Android.

    Now did that register or are you just in denial?

    Jul 21, 11:39 AM

    As long as Apple doesn't grow too fast, this is great news. Get to Gateway in the next few years, and I'll be happy. Just don't grow too big, Apple.

    Catching up to Gateway is good, I suppose, but I seriously didn't even know they were even still around. That's a pretty low bar to set...

    Apr 28, 05:09 PM
    This is one of those threads that enforces the Apple fanboi stereotype. It's 1mm. That's it. Steve Jobs is not out to kill your children anymore than he is to fleece you on your white iPhone purchase, and the typical person won't even notice anyway. Can we all move along now?