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Sad Day in My Bloggy World

For those of you who enjoyed going back in my archives and seeing my previous posts, I have some sad news, but hopefully it's only temporary. I have 2 gmail accounts and it wasn't until recently that I fully devoted shasielove@gmail.com for my fashion and blogging ventures. Luckily I made it an admin email on this blog, because Google recently disabled my sturner06@gmail.com. I'm pretty sure it's because I had it open on too many browsers and my phone and I guess they thought I was being hacked. Unfortunately they have not restored it, and my picasa web albums that supported the photos for my previous blog post was also disabled as it was linked to that gmail account. So all the pictures I uploaded through picasa via sturner06 have disappeared from my archived posts.

I'm very disheartened. I have over 200 posts on this blog and now my pictures are gone. I hope that I can get this straightened out with google so that they are restored. I wanted to be able to look back and check out the evolution of my style...but I guess I won't be able too :-(. So just wanted to give all of you a heads up if you are using Picasa for blogger be careful with how you use your gmail accounts because you'll never know when they may just block you.