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nissan altima

nissan altima. Come into Berlin City Nissan
  • Come into Berlin City Nissan

  • MyDesktopBroke
    Apr 26, 10:36 AM
    People of low socioeconomic status are much more likely to be exposed to and take part in violence


    Blacks are disproportionately low-SES individuals. Then the question would be why are blacks more likely to be low-SES individuals, since that would explain the increased likelihood of violence.

    There appear to be two options. First, if equal opportunity is assumed, one conclusion would be that blacks are inherently unable or unwilling to take advantage of those opportunities to collectively improve their SES. The second option would be that the opportunities are not actually equal.

    nissan altima. Altima Hybrid | Nissan USA
  • Altima Hybrid | Nissan USA

  • Demoman
    Aug 2, 06:55 PM
    Do you know what a computer without drivers is? A paperweight. The OS is not a single monolithic thing; it's made up of many components. The notion of what is "written into the OS" is more complicated than you seem to think, and it's childish to dismiss a vulnerability because it's in a driver.

    Actually it's the smug attitude of so many Mac owners that makes them such satisfying targets. You reap what you sow. I've been using Macs since 1984 (and PCs about as long) and Mac users get on my nerves sometimes.

    "Make believe" Mac supporters get on my nerves ALL the time. I doubt many of the readers here need to be schooled about the services device drivers provide. When I read the post you criticized, my impression was the author was simply stating that Apple did not write the driver. You seem to want to focus the blame on Apple. So, what is your agenda? Are you just here to bust on Apple?

    nissan altima. The Altima Coupe#39;s unique
  • The Altima Coupe#39;s unique

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Sep 1, 06:33 PM
    Retail price for Vista Blows, my next system will be a Mac. Windows is like a generic copy of OS9 Made in China, Im sure Vista will be the same.

    nissan altima. Altima Hybrid | Nissan USA
  • Altima Hybrid | Nissan USA

  • ijimk
    Nov 8, 08:20 AM
    As stated by many prior to me, I think the update is a solid one but really wish it had a better way to handle the graphics.

    nissan altima. 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • SirOmega
    May 5, 12:20 AM
    The issue with Verizon (and probably other carriers) isn't a "mother may I..." issue of sending the updates over 3G, the issue is probably exempting the OS updates from any transfer caps.

    In other words, to not have the 500MB iOS update apply to the 200MB or 2GB/mo or 5GB/mo data cap. This might require Apple to grease the skids with a little cash for Verizon and AT&T, or limit updates to WiFi only.

    That said, Apple in general needs to get a better handle on their update package sizes. I've got 3 Macs, 2 iPads and 2 iPhones on my home internet connection. Its 300-500MB (occasionally more) per Mac each time Apple releases a OSX point release (about every other month), 500MB for each iOS update (every other month) times four devices. So I'm looking at a maximum of 3.2GB of just Apple updates each month. This doesn't include updating iTunes, iPhoto, MS Office, etc.

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima Hybrid as Taxis
  • Nissan Altima Hybrid as Taxis

  • Consultant
    Mar 25, 01:07 PM
    Do not update if you want possible jailbreak / unlock in the future.

    nissan altima. 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe
  • 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe

  • dbit
    Aug 8, 02:40 PM
    For the Desktop
    LINK TO CORE 2 DUO DESKTOPS (http://www.intel.com/buy/core2duo.htm)

    Ah. I'm drooling for the Merom. Anybody know if it's just not ready yet?

    nissan altima. Car Review: 2005 Nissan Altima
  • Car Review: 2005 Nissan Altima

  • m-dogg
    Aug 24, 12:21 PM
    Interesting.....powerbooks and ibooks sold through this month but not the batteries in the Macbook or Macbook Pro....

    The newer MB/MBP models use a different type of battery.

    Sounds like I'll be impacted. Bought a refurb powerbook earlier this year. No battery problems with it though...

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima Coupe High Class
  • Nissan Altima Coupe High Class

  • theITGuy
    Sep 27, 09:39 AM
    Having to run around looking for weapons, while getting instantly killed is just about as low on my "Fun Factor" scale a game can get.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way...I want more weapons!!! Or more ammo...


    nissan altima. Nissan altima
  • Nissan altima

  • Popeye206
    Apr 12, 12:08 PM
    Lots of empty factories up in Rochester NY.... all they need to do is peal off the Kodak logo's and put up Foxconn. :)

    nissan altima. nissan altima suitland sedan
  • nissan altima suitland sedan

  • skunk
    Oct 27, 08:59 AM
    Mine runs at 18-23C. 40C under heavy load. And that's pre-firmware.

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima 2010 Road
  • Nissan Altima 2010 Road

  • Derekasaurus
    Aug 8, 02:28 PM
    I don't like the Microsoft bashing either...it's just something that gets to me. Microsoft bashing is a waste of energy. Who cares what company did what first, as a consumer I don't care about originality. Just give me something that works. Whatever company can implement the idea the best to provide a benefit to ME, gets my business. Just shut up and innovate (like Apple has been doing), the products will speak for themselves.

    I agree totally. If anything all the bashing makes Apple (and its fans) seem insecure. Just deliver the goods and let the marketshare speak for itself. (Plus the mightier-than-thou attitude alienates PC users and makes them think twice about joining "the cult".)

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima Pictures and
  • Nissan Altima Pictures and

  • the.snitch
    Jul 24, 01:08 AM
    No. Please god no. I don't know how many of you have done e-books but e-books on anything smaller then a 4" screen sucks. HARD.

    What Apple needs to do is come out with a dedicated device. Integration seems the only way they can push into another market at this point. (Shades of MS Windows with [insert anything here.] integration.)

    What Apple needs to do is form an alliance with E-Reader / Peanut Press and having it integrate with iTMS. Then come out with an e book reader that uses digital ink. This is the tech that can paint a screen then cut power to the screen yet still have the image remain. In cases such as this we are talking WEEKS of battery life. Use digital ink + Apple's standard design flare + iTMS and I can guarantee people will eat it up.

    Does anyone know how big this would be? It would be huge. No beyond huge. Literature is as universally accepted as music. It's used everywhere from text books in schools, to training manuals, to maintenance manuals, to entertainment in the home, to entertainment while you are sitting waiting for the dentist. Imagine subscribing to a magazine and having it downloaded off of iTMS like a podcast.

    In short I would sell my first, second, third born sons, and cut off a pinky toe for Apple to release an e-book reader. This is Sony's attempt:


    No one in the market has done the design right yet. There is this huge market waiting for someone to step up to the plate and get it done right, easy, and elegant. Sound familiar?

    But above all please PLEASE PLEASE don’t integrate it into the iPod. It would be doing major disservice to the emerging industry.

    First Off, that's sony's Attempt?? Talk about a stupid design for an ebook reader. Whats all that keyboard/bezel/page margin doing apart from wasting space? Compare the enormous size of the device vs the actual size used to display the book:

    Remember folks, its supposed to be an ebook reader. We dont need any of that other crap thats on the Sony device, just a huge screen and small bezel to be able to see the document effectively.
    Now i dont know too much about industrial design, but apparantly neither does Sony. Apple could do so much better than this.

    nissan altima. 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • Ktulu
    Aug 8, 07:17 AM
    When I first saw Core Animation and Spaces and how they worked and what they were capable of I immediately thought of what many people here have said before when Boot Camp first came out.

    These two technologies, when combined, could make possible the idea of "Fast OS Switching". Could one of the "Top Secret" features be that Boot Camp was just there as a primer. It will still be there and operate in the same way but without the re-booting hassle. With Core Animation and Spaces, you could possibly have it running just as another user and "Fast Switch" between them. Being a part of Leopard now-(Boot Camp) it would stand to reason that these new technologies will be more easily accessable and used by Boot Camp.

    Just a thought, let me know what you think.:D

    nissan altima. 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe?
  • 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe?

  • VirtualRain
    Mar 7, 03:57 PM
    Love the colors, how they are restricted to bands in the image. Love the different patterns present in each of the bands.

    Thanks... that's exactly what I was thinking. Although it's too bad there's not more green in there yet :(

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima Coupe - the
  • Nissan Altima Coupe - the

  • Crike .40
    Nov 7, 03:38 AM
    my 25cents~
    ..10.6-12...is just a little too small...
    if u want a small laptop like that....you would definately not enjoy gaming on it...dvds....fine....websurfing...fine...but what else would it be good for having it that small!? no full size keys....yeah fine its lighter...but iono...i like mb size now! its definately the smallest i'll go for!

    the 12" PB had a full sized keyboard...and I'm holding on to my 1.33 version till a 12" MBP shows up.

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • thefourthpope
    Mar 28, 01:36 PM
    I ranked this as a neg only since there are supply chain issues... why add another retailer?


    Redirect one of those to my door! Been waiting since 3/11.

    nissan altima. 2005 Nissan Altima Overview
  • 2005 Nissan Altima Overview

  • IJ Reilly
    Nov 27, 10:50 AM
    I don't think either of those albums exhibit that -- the first four British albums in stereo do, but they've never been available on CD in stereo, just mono. Rubber Soul has a few songs that don't work well in headphones (eg Girl) but Revolver is mixed well!

    My point is, the ping-pong effect, when it was used, was deliberate. It does sound strange now, but I remember when these albums came out people listened to them on headphones and thought the effect was cool.

    I'm no Beatles historian by any means, but correct me if I'm wrong: weren't the first albums recorded in mono? The stereo versions were later, rather crude simulations of stereo, which is why they never made it to CD.

    nissan altima. Nissan Altima 3dr
  • Nissan Altima 3dr

  • Full of Win
    Apr 11, 12:47 AM
    I hate subscription models almost as much as I do data caps.

    Sep 12, 03:29 PM
    Again as I stated before... Apple is really starting to dabble in the 3D interface. The album art is a good example of this. Granted its a rip off of someone else's idea...No idea of the name of the app but I was playing around with it a few months back that did exactly this. *shrugs* Whatever.

    Do you mean CoverFlow? Yeah, its the same. And if by "rip off someone else's idea" you mean Apple bought CoverFlow and incorporated it into iTunes. This was already mentioned earlier in this thread, but here's a link: http://www.steelskies.com/coverflow/

    BTW: The iTunes phone driver is for the Motorola ROKR E1, SLVR L7 and RAZR V3i.

    Apr 14, 01:56 PM
    I used to think the same way. 2 kids off to college, money is tight but I gave them each their choice of laptops:

    1.) kid#1 chose a Dell because she <gasp> liked Vista :eek:
    2.) kid#2 chose the plain old white macbook

    3 years later, guess which one is currently crap? Seriously, Kid#1 comes home one day, opens up her Dell and she's got 3 keys missing one of which is the Enter key - has no clue where they went. :D Also, the battery is lasting a full 20 minutes and the DVD drive is kaput. The damn thing creaks and moans more than my arthritic joints.

    Now, the lowly white macbook looks like it's been used as a door mat (which I polished up for kid #2 in about 5 minutes) but it works flawlessly.

    Really... don't rationalize the cost. Kids are tough on these things and you aren't always there to "learn 'em" how to handle them. A well built mac + Applecare is a pretty secure future for their learning experience.

    who cares? dell's are cheap enough that you can buy a 15" model every year and after 3 years still spend less $$$ than a MBP with Apple Care

    Apr 14, 02:26 AM
    Spoken like a 12 year old :rolleyes:

    Owning software /= professional. Skill and natural talent for editing make you a professional. A real pro can cut footage on any system, any piece of software and doesn't rely on apps to do it for them. It's a tool that they use to do what they do faster and more efficiently so they can maximize their time/profits.

    To certain degree I see what he is saying...

    If I am correct then the point is that this new way of editing will open up more time for novice editors to spend more time developing editing techniques and styles rather then getting to grips with the software needed to do the job.

    I don't think the pro software makes the editor a pro, but it will be a lot more of a smooth transition when using the new FCPX.

    Mar 10, 07:20 PM
    Check out the link I posted. You can actually design the budget yourself, it is pretty neat.

    Cool, I will have to check it out when I am using a computer instead of this iDropper.

    Oh, and 5P, you really should try to put out your hair.

    Mar 2, 07:10 PM

    stunning.. where is that?