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7 Facts Blog Awards Tag

I was tagged by Cat of CatFatale to participate in the 7 facts Blog Awards.  Thank you Cat!  So here are my se7en facts:

1.  I am a shopaholic!! I try to stay on a budget, but between catalogs, fashion mags, promo emails, sales, coupons, and general store browsing I can't seem to say no to a purchase!! So in order to support my unhealthy spending habit, I decided to become an independent brand ambassador. Basically I can pick up gigs whenever I want through marketing agencies to rep companies like Planters and Coca-Cola. On average they pay anywhere from $16/hr to $20/hr! Those are some new shoes right there!!

2.  I do not have a tattoo, but if I were to get one it would be of a medieval sword going down the middle of my back, so that the hilt of the sword would stick up above low neckline tops. (I will probably never get this done because I don't like pain, and that would be an EXTENSIVE tattoo). Image below is of King Arthur's Excalibur.

3. Xena Warrior Princess is my favorite tv show of all time, even after it went off the air some years ago. I have all the Seasons. I really like  Greek mythology, and I loved a show about women empowerment. Especially one, in which she beats up guys all the time!  If I didn't get the sword tattoo I would get a chakram (the circle weapon Xena is holding below from Seasons 5 and 6) with 2 Sais (2nd image) crisscrossing in between on the back of my shoulder!

4. From time to time I write my own music. I have Finale Print Music Software and a keyboard and I just start playing and it records my notes onto a score. It's cool because I can choose different instruments and make it sound like a whole band/orchestra is playing!

5. I would love to one day be a fashion designer, without having to go back to school. I started taking adult learning classes. The first one I took was sewing 101 and now I'm signed up to take a pattern-making class in May. This was all inspired by watching season after season of Project Runway!

6. I install pipelines for my main job. I'm a Pipeline Project Manager by day, and we build pipelines around the country to supply my company's products to refineries.

7.  I'm currently into anything bright colored. You may not be able to tell by my blog posts, but I'm obssessed with bright color pumps, hand bags, skirts and accessories. Give me time. With my shopaholica mindset, there will be more color featured in my posts!

Now I will tag se7en other bloggers with this award:
1. Fashion Sco0p
2. From an Edge
3. I Borrowed Your Silver Boots
4. The Luxe Standard
5. Strawberry Freckle Face
6. Food, Fashion, & Flow
7. Film Wardrobe

Happy Reading! Love,