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Blogger Awards

Within this past week and a half, I received the Stylish Blogger Award from 3 great bloggers:

Faye @ Fayerytale
Marina @ Fashion.Makeup.LifeStyle
Joey @ Everydayoutfits

Thanks so much ladies! I really appreciate it! Now it's my turn to participate in Blogger Awards.
Here are the rules:
1) Thank the person who awarded you the Blogger Award - Check

2) List 7 things about yourself

3) Pass the award to other bloggers and contact them about it

So for number 2 here are 7 things about myself:
1.  I love to wear wigs! You may have noticed that my hair seems to change drastically from one post to another...haha! Haha I treat my wigs like a part of my outfits. Some outfits look better with short hair, some look better with long wavy hair, or long straight hair! Haha, I do post with my real hair too :-)

2. I like to try anything when it comes to fashion.  I don't really stick, nor have just one style. I'll try about anything and see if it works for me. If it does, it does, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

3. I've been blogging for a year, but styling my friends and family since I was in middle school.

4. I have a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering and that's what I do for my full-time job

5. I love to write my own music

6. I love singing at Karaoke

7. I like to work in retail for part-time jobs, and I have an interview this Saturday at a Boutique. Wish me Luck!

For Number 3, Here are my Blogger Awards:
The Stylish Blogger Award goes to
Joey @Everydayoutfits
Jane @ lovemakesthegirl
Alison @ Curvy Girl Chic
Jenny @ Jenny From The Block

The Versatile Blogger Awards
Marina @Fashion.Makeup.LifeStyle
Faye @Fayerytale
Maddy K @ Fashion Sco0p

I love all of these blogs, and I follow a bunch. There are so many great bloggers out there today!! Make sure you check out these ladies!