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jordan 7 year of the rabbit

jordan 7 year of the rabbit. the Air Jordan 7 year of
  • the Air Jordan 7 year of

  • michaelrjohnson
    Aug 8, 01:33 PM
    a) apple did the exact same thing with OS X. aqua was kept under wraps for a long, long time from the general public and public developers. up until maybe a year before hand we all though OS X was going to look like OS 9.

    b) if you work with big software makers you'll know that top tier developers get access to things that aren't made publicly available months and years in advance. the last alpha/beta cycle i participated in started one month after the latest release (and i was on the second invite list).

    a) see above regarding developers. just because we didn't see it in the keynote doesn't mean that the developers haven't

    b) app developers don't really integrate with the finder.

    c) tiger represented a big shift in OS X development. apple publicly stated that their APIs, previously a moving target, were basically being locked down. what that means is developers don't have to worry (as much) about under the hood changes. if the file browser dialog changes dramatically between now and next spring developers should theoretically have to do nothing, their function/method calls are just calls.
    You hit a lot of points here that I chose not to present. You are correct.
    a) The OS X preview UI was definitely a surprise, that's for sure.
    b) Very true.
    a) True, but I think this only applies to the "top tier" developers, as you suggest. (Adobe, for example)
    b) Exactly! Other than visually... (Which it's easy to skin your app to match (see Uno))
    c) If this is true (which I could understand, but have no evidence of) are you suggesting Apple laid the groundwork for a UI overhaul in Tiger and didn't apply it?

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan Retro 7 – Year
  • Air Jordan Retro 7 – Year

  • gameface
    Mar 1, 08:39 PM

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan Retro 7 Year of the
  • Air Jordan Retro 7 Year of the

  • Clydefrog
    Sep 12, 04:51 PM
    kind of weird how they changed the color of the itunes icon back to blue. But so far i like 7

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan VII (7) – Year Of
  • Air Jordan VII (7) – Year Of

  • caspersoong
    May 5, 01:09 AM
    I only worry about the price... and eye strain.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan VII “Year of the
  • Air Jordan VII “Year of the

  • cecildk9999
    Sep 23, 09:05 AM
    I haven't read all the posts in this thread (the MBP discussions are most of what I'm caught up in now :rolleyes: ), but I noticed an interesting article on MacNN that talked about this as well. To paraphrase, it said that when the iTunes TV shows were first made available, Walmart sent back DVDs of Lost, Desperate Housewives, etc., refusing to sell them. Looking on Walmart's site now, though, both Seasons 1 and 2 of Lost are available, both online and in stores (just as an example).

    Threatening not to sell movies has a limited impact. I think Walmart is responsible for some 40% of DVD sales (not positive on that number), but if people can't buy DVDs at Walmart, they don't think: "Well shoot, I guess I just won't get this movie." They'll either complain or go somewhere else. This may be tough in communities where Walmart is the only major shopping center, but Walmart can't really blame movie studios when Walmart is the one refusing to sell the product.

    I agree with other peoples' posts when they say that Apple's primary movie market will not really affect Walmart's sales (mostly wealthier middle class types who can afford to dump $300 on a streaming media device). I refuse to shop at Walmart for a variety of reasons myself; this just adds to the list.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Rabbitquot; Air Jordan Retro 7
  • Rabbitquot; Air Jordan Retro 7

  • skunk
    Apr 11, 03:52 PM
    Basically, what we are talking about is an individual's worldview and how that worldview impacts their motivations in life.I don't think so. He seems unequivocally to be asserting that without one's unquestioning acceptance of and devotion to a mythologised usurper whose polytheistic antecedents are documented within the written record, all one's actions are essentially worthless, at least according to his criteria. That anyone can place such emphasis on the acceptance of such a patently fraudulent cosmology as a precondition to salvation is extraordinary.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan VII (7) - Year Of
  • Air Jordan VII (7) - Year Of

  • Mac'nCheese
    Mar 28, 09:35 PM
    how are they in business? who ever shops radio shack?

    I stopped in one during the summer for a car power plug for the iphone as i was traveling. they had only 1 generic one for almost $40! I walked to kmart next door and chose out of 3 kinds and bought a car and home plug charger for $20.

    I do. Bought a sd card two weeks ago and headphones this past Sunday. Only one in the store both times so...

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. The Air Jordan 7 Year of the
  • The Air Jordan 7 Year of the

  • Sun Baked
    Aug 8, 08:53 PM
    So what is the bus for the Superdrive? Is it the old Parallel ATA with the ribbon cable?Yes the chipset has PATA for optical right now, they also show the two unused SATA over by the Optical drive -- but use them for whatever if they are there.

    Doesn't mean Apple won't switch and make use of them for optical if there is need.


    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan 7 “Year Of The
  • Air Jordan 7 “Year Of The

  • coldpower27
    Mar 31, 10:35 AM
    I don't have a classic, but I'd like to associate myself with the people talking about how hilarious the old thread is. Also, here's a repost of Steve introducing the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN0SVBCJqLs

    I was 17 in senior in high school when iPod was introduced, though I don't think I was even aware of it. I had a friend that year who had some kind of horrible "mp3 player" and the next year when I moved into my college dorm someone on my floor had an iPod so I played with one for the first time. My first one was the light blue first-gen mini which I bought sometime in 2004 (which still works...I gave it to my mother when I replaced it with an iPhone on launch day 2007). When my crappy Dell laptop that had been my high school graduation present died a few months later, the iPod convinced me to get my first Mac.

    I hope they don't discontinue the classic just for the nostalgia factor =)

    My first MP3 player was this thing from the link below 20GB for $100 not bad at the time.. but had the weakness of a HD base drive and so when I did cold weather running the thing would freeze at times...


    Evnetually I upgraded or well got another MP3 player in July 2008 which was back then a Nokia N95 8GB on a HUP of my line... that was much better as it had speakers and was based on Flash Memory...

    October rolls around and I buy a 2nd hand Touch Gen 1 32GB for $280 with a Leather Case much better user interface and much higher capacity... (this is my first iPod)

    Next year in September 2009 I get the 64GB Touch Gen 3 for much faster ARM Cortex A8 processors and higher capacity... which is my current MP3 player.. though it also serves as a casual gaming device though...

    Somewhere along the way I picked up a Shuffle for running only as it was on sale for $35 or so... very cheap investment.

    Didn't upgrade to Touch Gen 4... as the capacity didn't increase...and the CPU speed only marginally improved...plus they only kept 256MB of RAM..probably won't upgrade to Touch Gen 5 as I have an iPad 2 which probably has identical hardware to a Touch Gen 5, I promised myself I won't ugrade my MP3 player till they give a capacity increase to 128GB.. or the hardware inside is improved enough to make it worthwhile..

    So yeah I think with my Gen 1 32GB as entry into the Apple World.. over time i have acquired more Apple Devices as I now have:

    iPod Shuffle
    iPod Touch Gen 1 32GB, Gen 3 64GB
    MacBook Pro 13" Mid 2009
    White WiFi iPad 2 64GB...

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan 7 “Year of the
  • Air Jordan 7 “Year of the

  • Consultant
    May 4, 09:43 PM
    Worst rumor ever. Sure let's view web pages in 3D (hint: ads will be jumping around).

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan 7 Retro Year of the
  • Air Jordan 7 Retro Year of the

  • AgentElliot007
    Mar 25, 05:44 PM
    For those having Error 1013 issues, the steps outlined here just fixed my issue. iPad 2 now successfully updated to 4.3.1, though I have to reload all of my apps, music and videos...about 25 gigs worth. Can't wait to try the new update out in an hour or two...:rolleyes:


    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Santa Monica, CA 90401. Air
  • Santa Monica, CA 90401. Air

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 2, 05:01 AM
    A good photographer can take brilliant photographs with a disposible camera, a bad photographer will still take rubbish photographs with a top end DSLR. :)

    Why are you comparing the users? A good comparison would be the same user (good or bad) using different cameras/mobiles to take photographs.

    I don't understand your argument.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan Retro 7 Year of the
  • Air Jordan Retro 7 Year of the

  • RebootD
    Apr 14, 11:20 PM
    You all crack me up at least, thanks for the chuckles!

    Conditional thievery is just something people do in order to justify whatever they are doing unlawfully. Downloading and cracking the Adobe suite? HIGH FIVE! Breaking into a car dealership and driving off with a car you didn't pay for? NO of course not! Because 'that's different' when it isn't. A company offers a product/service and you are using it/taking it without compensation for that item. Digital or physical it's the same thing.

    In fact you may have some games that I don't own maybe I'll swing by later and take them from you free of charge. Of course you wouldn't be upset with that because hey it's only fair right?

    And I know all the usual arguments "It's just a digital copy no one loses anything" and "Cars cost a lot more and you'd get arrested" The "Man" owes me, other people are idiots so I should have the right to be one too and on and on.

    Humans are the only species capable of believing the lies we tell ourselves.

    my point exactly...

    I really don't get all the wankers here with all there high morals about downloading is steeling. It aint steeling, and if it was i wouldn't feel one single bit of guilt...i'm getting robed here everyday by the government, at work, hell i'm even getting robed buying grocery's...why should i be the idiot paying for something i can get for free...and don't start the "people are losing their jobs if you don't buy it" if they do than they should get in line. Here's an idea... maybe the CEO's could spare a few of their billions to help the staff out and make them keep their job...


    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan VII “Year of
  • Air Jordan VII “Year of

  • yoak
    Jul 23, 03:45 AM
    I think it would be nice for short stories, I don�t think I could finish a novel on an iPod

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Air Jordan 7 Year of the
  • Air Jordan 7 Year of the

  • Jason S.
    Apr 17, 09:22 PM
    They were not set aside for reservation. I walked in at 11:00 when they opened and the guy said they never received shipment, so.... they started taking reservations.

    Doesn't mean they didn't have any already.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of
  • Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of

  • mdntcallr
    Aug 7, 10:36 PM
    Neat stuff.

    thanks for putting all of this in a convienent form!! with easy links

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of
  • Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 10, 10:04 PM
    I suggest everyone give this a shot...



    I had a surplus of $476B and solved SS 100%. I gutted military, but I bumped up United Nations, alternative energy, education, medical research, and worker re-training.

    I also stopped just about all aid flowing out to other countries. I'll let Sally Struthers and the affluent private sector contribute if they want to... that is, if the affluent have anything left after the mondo taxes I dropped on them. :D

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of
  • Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of

  • truthsmiles
    Mar 22, 05:04 AM
    Owned? Aside from some random dislike of the "term", I have to ask where was anyone owned? If you're saying the wife was owned, she wasn't. Wife said no, probably due to the issue of money and not the device itself.

    I worry about youth today.

    It is a very cute story and shows companies still have a sense of humor sometimes.

    Of course it's not about the device, Jessica. It's about control.

    jordan 7 year of the rabbit. Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of
  • Retro Air Jordan 7 “Year Of

  • Chundles
    Sep 14, 10:27 AM
    No offense taken-did not think you harsh. As I was typing it I thought " Oh boy, I'm sure this is one of those constant quaetsions" - should I be doing this.
    Was afraid Cundles might have gone ballistic. Especially after Tuesdays constant postings of some very old news:)

    Sorry if I ripped on you back then mate. I was going through some nasty withdrawal after falling off the wagon of my codeine addiction and it made me really irritable for a while.

    Back to my normal cheerful self now until the pain flares up and I have to jump off the wagon again.

    Sorry once again. Hope my explanation made some sense.

    Sep 22, 11:33 PM
    It's worth the effort to read the Update. Reuters articule (http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyid=2006-09-22T185622Z_01_WEN5836_RTRUKOC_0_US-MEDIA-WALMART-STUDIOS.xml&src=rss&rpc=22).

    Mar 1, 04:04 PM
    Photobucket, Flickr, etc. None of them accurately show the color in this photo as I see it straight off of the card. It's a lot warmer before the upload. Oh well:cool:

    East Tennessee:

    f/11 1/500 ISO250 66mm

    Even with the inaccurate transfer I really like the colors of this photo.

    Aug 8, 12:11 AM
    No remote? No Photo Booth? That's got to be a deal breaker for a lot of folks. ;)

    As for the real world, many professionals have funds to purchase these machines as they will use the speed. It seems to me that most "consumers" are not able or willing to plop down the cash to buy a Mac Pro when an iMac or MacBook or even Mac Mini will more than suit their needs.

    No front row and no photo booth was definitely a downer for me. I expect to see iSight 2.0 with better optics and IR sensor built-in released later this year.

    Sep 6, 09:51 AM
    Now you got it.

    All hail Steve Jobs!

    Yeah, you keep drinking that Kool-aid buddy. :p ;) :D

    Don't get me wrong, I think the new iMac is awesome. I currently use a G4 iMac myself. I'm just making a case for the Conroe minitower, that's all. ;) :cool:

    Jul 23, 12:12 AM
    i think that since you can create your own pics, movies, podcasts, and text for the i pod know, that they will let you expand your ilife tools to create pdf too without having to buy them.