My company has internal networking groups to help support the groups that aren't in the majority within our company. I'm a member of our EDEN group, which stands for Ethnically Diverse Employee Network. Every year in Houston we volunteer at the Houston International Festival. Not only is it great to give back to the community through volunteering, but then we get to enjoy the event for free! Here is a picture of our team volunteering at the drink station.
We definitely had the best location at the festival because we were directly across from the Asia Society of Texas Center Stage and were able to see really great performances while working.
Now on to some great food....yea I love chicken on a stick. The whole time I was working the drink station, I kept seeing people walk by with amazing smelling food, and I was salivating. I couldn't wait to get off and buy some festival food!!
This lady was wearing a traditional dress of Nigeria. Amy and I tried on their head gear too, but I looked retarded and Amy looked chic!
I thought these were the coolest drink holders ever. I need one for right near my bed