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Handwriting Tag

I was tagged via Short Sister Style by being a follower for their handwriting tag! It's a pretty cool idea. So I'm tagging everyone who reads this post in the handwriting tag!

Here are the statements you have to write by hand:

1. What's your name? What's your blogger name?
2. What's your blog's name and url?
3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favorite Quote
5. Your Favorite Song
6. Your Favorite Band/Singers
7. Anything else you want to say

Writing this was cool! It's been so long since I've actually written something by hand, other than chicken scratch on a post-it when I'm jotting down voice-mail messages. It actually felt really weird to write. This tag inspired me to write more. I think I may start writing short stories again, by hand, and get off the computer and typing so much?

When's the last time you wrote anything of serious value by hand??

Also if you participate in this tag, make sure to come back and comment, because I want to see your answers/handwriting!

I'm posting my latest Shoe Wish List from my profile on Fashiolista. You can follow me via the link to see my other finds! A majority of the shoes are from Victoria's Secret. I love their wealth of shoes! A hidden treasure! Every time I receive a new shoe catalog in the mail from Vicki S a huge smile goes on my face! Especially for the shoes on sale!

Shoes | Fashiolista