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Gestures Around The World

Gestures Around The World. with the world around you.
  • with the world around you.

  • DavidLeblond
    Mar 18, 12:25 PM
    It's an interesting problem. I would bet you will find this hole in WMA stores for the same reason. Of course Jon prefers to target the source that will get him headlines.

    Agreed, Jon probably wants headlines.

    Apple will make another "good enough" fix to block it for another 6 months. But they really don't care. Although externally they "care", I bet internally it doesn't particularly bother them because ITMS is so big that the record companies can't afford to pull out of it.

    The problem is, this may not hurt Apple all that much but it will hurt the Music Download industry. With every DRM that is cracked it gives the RIAA more fuel against their "downloading is bad" campaign. Also less labels would be willing to allow iTMS to sell their music.


    Gestures Around The World. Gesturesquot; Around the World
  • Gesturesquot; Around the World

  • wkhahn
    Sep 22, 09:11 AM
    Hey, I watch the Food Network! Iron Chef rocks and Rachael Ray is a kitchen fox! Are those on the iTS?


    Raytard is not a "Kitchen Fox". For that, just watch Giada.

    Gestures Around The World. Gestures around the world
  • Gestures around the world

  • skunk
    Apr 26, 05:38 PM
    I could murder some toast.

    Gestures Around The World. from around the world are
  • from around the world are

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    I hope you are aware that Bikini Atol is exactly where Godzilla was born.
    I cannot like this comment enough. I'm a life long Godzilla fan!


    Gestures Around The World. that many around the world
  • that many around the world

  • awmazz
    Mar 11, 08:57 AM

    To get an idea of how massive this one was, I am in Himeji, and just an hour east of me, in Osaka, buildings were swaying. Now if you look at a map of where the quake is and how far away Osaka is, my god.

    No link. TV coverage - NHK World.


    Gestures Around The World. that many around the world
  • that many around the world

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 12, 12:34 AM
    If Apple don't do some sort of Mini-tower hopefully one of the slow models (2GHz or slower) would be used as just a dual so we could have a budget PowerMac. Probably not likely, but with customers now able to make direct comparisons with PCs, it makes sense to have a cheap option. Great news though, although most of us knew it was coming.

    For those of you who want to speculate:



    Gestures Around The World. Nations around the world are
  • Nations around the world are

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 06:06 PM
    Originally posted by ryme4reson
    It says the cd-rom on your Pb is slower than the PC. In addition the G4 sucks, but its the CD ROM speed making most of that difference

    Absolutely. To isoloate the cdrom drive on the PC, I seperated the process of ripping and encoding. Once I had the song ripped encoding took 5 seconds. I wish there was a way to just see how long encoding takes in iTunes, but I don't think you can do just this , I believe it only rips and encodes.

    Gestures Around The World. used around the world
  • used around the world

  • Huntn
    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    Absolutely correct. It is irrelevant because it is unknowable so let's not pretend or imagine or try to know the unknowable. Let's live our lives in peace.

    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    I certainly feel that most atheists are what I would call agnostic atheists. They lack belief in a god but leave the question of such a being existing either open and yet to be proved or unknowable and, therefore, pointless to contemplate. Only a so-called gnostic atheist would say they have seen sufficient evidence to convince them there is no god and I have not seen to many of them in my travels. It's more likely that they have yet to see sufficient evidence so, while they do not specifically believe in his existence, they cannot categorically deny it either. The blurry line between atheism and agnosticism is fairly crowded, I think.

    It's easy "don't believe" as contrast to "don't know". I think it's a very important distinction for some Atheists who go beyond the "unknown" position into a more definitive negative view regarding deities. The problem as I see it is it is not so much that a deity may exist, it's all the purported rules and regs associated with said deity that makes it easy to cast doubt.

    You've just made good points, Huntn. I'm sure that many, maybe even most, people have much the same knee-jerk reaction you have. I pointed out som distinctions, though, because nowadays, when many think unclearly, the ignore those distinctions. Each time I hear someone say "I feel" when he should say "I believe" or "I think," the phrase "I feel" reminds me of subjectivism.

    Someone here, Lord Blackadder, I think, told me that I didn't understand the "pluralistic society" idea. I do understand it, and I know that many people disagree with me on many topics. I'm willing to learn from others. I even suspect that my false beliefs outnumber my true ones. But if disagreement among people proves anything, it proves that some people hold some false beliefs. If I believe that there's a God and you believe that there's no God, one of us is wrong. Today too many talk as though the freedom to believe what one wants to believe is more important than the truth.

    Sure, it's often better to say "I don't know" rather than "I don't believe" because most people probably haven't learned the distinctions I've described. On the other hand, although knowing that a belief is true implies believing that it's true, believing that it's true doesn't imply knowing that it's true. If believing always implied knowing, everyone would be all-knowing.

    Say I've deluded myself into believing that my honorary Brian is still living when he is, in fact, already dead. No one is helping me by saying that "Brian is still alive" is true for Bill but not for Brian's family." If I were deluded, the longer my delusion lasted, the more painful my disillusionment would be. I want to know the truth, even if it's unpleasant.

    The problem is that the concept of God is subjective. And if any God exists, then 1)It is a horrible communicator or 2) It does not really care because if it did, it would rely on more than ancient scripts, and it would take more care to ensure those scripts were accurate. (They don't appear accurate to me).

    We exist, there may be an afterlife. I really do hope there is a spiritual plane where consciousness may continue. And there maybe judgement but these are huge IFs mostly based on our desire that there is more to life than our meager existence on this planet.

    For fun please judge this statement: God can't prove its existence. If anyone disagrees, what real proof would be required? I'm not talking about those very subjective "feelings". ;)

    Gestures Around The World. Barghouti gestures around
  • Barghouti gestures around

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 18, 11:46 AM
    Does anyone know when the tethering clause was added to AT&T contract? It couldn't have always been there since the concept hasnt always been around.


    Gestures Around The World. debate around the world on
  • debate around the world on

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:41 AM
    If Nintendo doesn't adapt, it could be big trouble for them. I've seen the 3DS (http://photics.com/nintendo-3ds-a-surprising-disappointment) and I'm not impressed. I think the iPhone 4 is a much better portable gaming machine.

    I've just read the linked article... cannot stop laughing at

    "Closing one of my eyes would also cancel the [3D] effect"

    You know how stereoscopic vision works, right?

    Gestures Around The World. Language Around the World
  • Language Around the World

  • h'biki
    Mar 20, 05:33 PM
    Likewise, the BILLIONS of songs "stolen" vs. purchased on iTMS speaks volumes about people's feeling about DRM, RIAA, and these laws you speak so highly of..

    I suspect it probably has more to do with the fact the music is free than it has to do with ideology. People were pirating music way before the RIAA and DRM became 'evil'. They're the justification for piracy, not the reason.

    Piracy is an economic behaviour. I can point you to plenty of impartial (ie not funded by anyone) studies on this. In order to stop piracy you have to compete with it. Both sides are dressing it up as some kind of moral war, but it (mostly) isn't.


    Gestures Around The World. May Day Around the World
  • May Day Around the World

  • bluap84
    Mar 11, 03:25 AM
    The Guardian has a good updated feed here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/mar/11/japan-earthquake) if anyone wants to be kept updated


    Gestures Around The World. GESTURES BODY LANGUAGE AROUND

  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 01:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    You have nothing with no wind.

    Even if wind farms were 100% efficient, they don't hold a candle to nuclear output.

    Besides, we don't have room here in Japan for wind farms so it makes no difference.

    Alternative energy is not a viable source everywhere in the world, plain and simple. That's all I'm saying.


    Gestures Around The World. Ahmadinejad gestures while
  • Ahmadinejad gestures while

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:35 PM

    Ok, here we go. You have a program.c so compile it into compiler.o like this:

    gcc -c program.c

    You may place flags such as -O before -c, or maybe even after it. But certainly before it. Anyway, you have some asm_func.asm, so compile it into asm_func.o like this:

    nasm -f elf asm_func.asm

    Now, you can link these two .o files like this:

    gcc *o -o exe

    Which makes an executable named exe (which of course you can change to be whatever you want).

    Anyway, do note that the ASM funcs do the integer "benchmark" and not the float one. Also, I think because I overwrite ebx when I am not supposed to, the asm routines tend to cause program segaults after they exit. :) But they still provide a valid result. I could fix that, but whatever.

    Gestures Around The World. an annoying gesture that I
  • an annoying gesture that I

  • neko girl
    Mar 24, 11:55 PM
    People can BELIEVE whatever they want.

    The reason why people have a problem with what the Vatican BELIEVES it is because it is so frequently converted into something that PHYSICALLY restricts the rights of other adults.

    Stop imposing on people's rights, and you can go ahead and continue believing whatever you do.

    Whether or not their beliefs are bigoted are a side issue and only strays from the actual reason people don't like the Vatican.


    Gestures Around The World. sense the world around us.
  • sense the world around us.

  • Bonte
    Sep 20, 02:00 AM
    iTV is basically a limited Mini with better remote control software, if i can use an Elgato eyeTV on it to record i'm buying for sure. Ideally would be an eyeTV with a USB 2 connection to add a big HD.

    Gestures Around The World. talks and gestures follow.
  • talks and gestures follow.

  • i_am_a_cow
    Mar 19, 05:51 PM
    Just because a man can do a thing does not mean that he should do that thing. Whether or not you will get caught breaking the law is irrelevant to whether what you are doing is or is not legal. I can go to the supermarket or gas station and steal a bag of ice from outside without getting caught, but it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay. You might say it's not a big deal--it only costs a dollar, and anyway the supermarket makes tons of money off the other things that they sell, and they probably don't deserve all that money because they underpay their employees.

    Moral relativism and justification might make you feel fine about doing it, but it's still wrong and it's still illegal. If you don't care, that's your thing.

    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that? Are you saying that Linux is bad, and Apple is good? Do you think that Apple is doing the right thing by not preventing these issues in the first place (by failing to open up technology standards or port multimedia software to other operating systems)? I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.


    Gestures Around The World. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 08:08 AM
    Somehow this doesn't surprise me at all. However, this is one more reason to stick at 4.1.0.

    So far, the only real reason for 4.3.0 is Personal Hotspot, but since that is being monitored, then, I'll be happy to stick in 4.1.0 and give the finger to AT&T.
    Per the posters on Mod MyI its all IOS's that have been targeted, its At&t system that was upgraded at&t rep stated this was a roll out against the high use people, yet a few got the message who used low data, not sure since it was based on history and not current.:confused:


    Gestures Around The World. Ed Miliband gestures during a
  • Ed Miliband gestures during a

  • shawnce
    Jul 12, 11:44 AM
    As for Conroes being too hot for an iMac, that strikes me as ridiculous. From what I've read, conroes use 40% less power than Pentium D's and are very efficient in terms of power to performance.

    Pentium D has horrid heat output. :)

    Merom is a laptop chip and I'm not sure it will ever end up in a desktop system, even if it is the same socket as the Yonah.

    Yonah is a laptop chip yet it is in Apple's desktop iMac. :)


    The Merom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors#endnote_MeromSpeculation) has a TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Point) of 35 W and the Conroe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors#endnote_ConroeSpeculation) has a TDP of 65 W (or 80 W for the X6xxx) ...and that isn't counting the difference in heat produced by the chipset (Apple is using a laptop chipset in the Intel iMac).

    So the question is can Apple use a chip and chipset that will have a peak thermal load that is likely more then double (if they used Conroe) what is in the current Intel iMac (the Yonah has a TDP around 27 W). Also in theory the Conroe should come out a little cheaper then a Merom based system because of volume and binning.

    Likely they can (given the iMac contained a G5 at one point, granted low clock rate) but it will come at the cost of more constant use of fans.

    Apple could go either way on this...


    Oct 12, 06:56 PM

    The flags don't do anything to my x86 results either. This loop is just hard to optimize. I did manual unrolling, replaced mults with adds (which we can actually do safely since the float values in the loop controlls are not factions), and even replaced one of the loop counters with an int in conjuntion with the other two above (in such a way that I needed no typecaseing)... and the resukts inproved maybe 5% on the Mac and none on the PC.

    Apr 8, 11:21 PM
    Not really impressed by the whole push into gaming-- gaming is what I use my iPT and iPad for the least. In fact, Game Center is in a folder marked "Undeletable Crap" on both devices, along with address book, FaceTime, calendar, and stocks (on the iPT). Really wish Apple allowed you to delete whatever you wanted-- but of course they know what I want better than I do.

    Oh boo hoo, someone get this guy a tissue. How can it bother you that there is some game executive somewhere inside Apple HQ?

    Mar 18, 11:23 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.
    WOW in plain English......... If you use a lot you should pay for it.

    OK I agree

    but AT&T are the ones who advertise Unlimited Data

    Should they not "Man UP"? and stop this hiding behind definitions of nonsense in a contract.

    Essentially the point many and I make is

    we pay for Data that is contracted as unlimited,
    At&t then has a contract that says its unlimited Data with us and then says they can decide when its abused.

    OK using 5gb or less is not considered abuse by them, OK

    But tethering 100mb of that 5gb is abuse even though it does not go over the usage and it makes no network difference to At&t

    the problem is the contract itself is contradictory in how it is written and the enforcement of this issue is in huge suspect, At&t truly may not have one kb of proof that you tethered.

    I see many problems with this.

    Lawsuits? Class action maybe not individuals.

    and it would have to be those paying for tethering and or charged a fine for doing so or forced into a tethering contract.

    Not I, I have no emails nothing, = No harm.


    Mar 18, 12:46 PM
    How the hell do you propose they implement an "Hey, it's cool if you tether with your unlimited, since you're just browsing forums" policy? Because, you know what? Not everyone tethering on unlimited is as cool as you.

    Maybe if they make everyone pinky swear on it?

    I just dont get why all you are acting like children about it. Who cares? what is your 3G download speed gonna go up by .00001?

    I see people who claim they have used like 80 gigs in a month. Do I care and cry that ATT should do something about it so they can "clear" up the network for me? No I dont give a crap. My speeds are great even with all that. ATT introducing tethering is MUCH worse than the select few who jailbreak and tether.


    Mar 13, 04:14 PM
    really ?
    i live in a country which isn't at war .. and hasn't since quite a few years.. and by years i mean decades
    and the nuclear power plant we built was stopped before getting turned on by a popular vote (since then we have a constitutional law forbidding to build nuclear power plants...)

    wow look at how i am suffering from the terrible consequences

    I grew up in a country where even a right wing government won't entertain the idea of nuclear power,where one of it's major allies (the U.S.) are not allowed to bring naval vessels into territorial waters because they will not reveal if nuclear weapons/propulsion are involved.Which has just suffered a major earthquake and as far as I know is the only country that is a nuclear free zone.To New Zealanders this policy is totally sacrosanct.Guess what they are doing fine.

    (by the way 70% of electricity production is from renewables)
