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Fashions Of The 1920

Fashions Of The 1920. of the 1920s and 1930s
  • of the 1920s and 1930s

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 27, 08:37 AM
    It wouldn't make sense for God to have his scripture written, then put in a compilation with a bunch of non-scripture, then mistranslated to boot. Therefore, you either believe that there is a God and that the Bible is exactly what it is supposed to be, or you believe neither

    It doesn't make sense for a supreme being to require the employ of man to begin with. There's the real fallacy.

    Fashions Of The 1920. Fashions of The 1920s in
  • Fashions of The 1920s in

  • Demoman
    Jul 13, 12:59 AM
    Please don't confuse SMP with multi-socket. You must have an SMP (or even an ASMP) operating system to use any computer with more than one core.

    It doesn't matter if the two cores are in one socket or two - both require SMP in order to manage the cores.

    Saying that a dual-socket system is "SMP" and a single-socket dual-core system is "not SMP" shows that you don't quite understand the computer technology required to do multi-processing.

    I know what Symetrical Multi-Processing is. Thanks.


    Fashions Of The 1920. In the 1920#39;s, women#39;s
  • In the 1920#39;s, women#39;s

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 05:38 PM
    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).

    prove it. links , otherwise this is FUD.


    Fashions Of The 1920. debates of the 1920s were
  • debates of the 1920s were

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 10:31 PM
    Would you agree that there is ample evidence of the imperfection of scripture, of the interference of church leadership to mold and shape the message of ancient scripture to suit their agenda, to manipulate and control the sheep? And that ancient scripture based solely on it's existence and the message of ancient man really adds no weight to the existence of God as described by these scriptures? The big question besides Does God exist? is Does it have the qualities, rules, and expectations, we imagine it to have? I've always asked was there this flurry of Godly attributed activity that ceased completely after the passing of Jesus? Fact, fiction, or superstition? We have no way on this Earth of verifying the validity of ancient messages.
    Huntn, please show me some evidence for what you're saying. Then I'll tell you what I think of it. Meanwhile, I should admit that the Bible's original manuscripts no longer exist, and there are copyists' mistakes in the existing copies. There are mistranslations in at least some Bible translations. Take Matthew 24:24 in the King James Version. It's ungrammatical (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024:24&version=KJV). But I still need you to give us some evidence that, for example, some tendentious ancient people tampered with Bible passages.

    Fashions Of The 1920. The boyish fashions of the
  • The boyish fashions of the

  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 04:20 PM
    RIAA Okay, so you want to actually pay for your music, huh?


    Fashions Of The 1920. the fashion of the 1920#39;s
  • the fashion of the 1920#39;s

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 09:03 AM
    So it looks like I'm back to building a HTPC sometime next spring. Pitty too. It looks like a slick device. Just not what I'm looking to put under my TV. :(
    By next spring, Apple will have the rest of the Media Center - one of the "super-secret" bits of Leopard is a full clone of Microsoft's Media Center Edition, built upon a greatly enhanced Front Row. (And accompanied by a full-featured AV remote.)

    The iTV is just Apple's copy of Microsoft's "Media Center Extender" and/or "Media Center Connect" (see Media Center Extender or Windows Media Connect. Which Do You Need? (http://www.mediacenterpcworld.com/news/218)) or Intel's wireless extender that will be part of the Viiv platform.

    Leopard has the other piece - the real multiple tuner support and PVR system.

    Couple that with a dual-core Conroe in a TiVo-sized box, and you'll have the option of a dedicated Apple Media Center in the living room, or the "iTV" feeding from the Apple Media Center in the office.

    Windows Media Center Edition supports up to five extenders. Apple certainly will do the same, so whether you choose the Conroe HTPC pizza-box, or a bigger Mac in the office - TVs throughout the house can access the single copy of the media library with "iTV" boxes.

    Fashions Of The 1920. MENS FASHIONS 1920#39;S
  • MENS FASHIONS 1920#39;S

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 25, 10:36 AM
    PS Marriage is a privilege not a right.

    Are you speaking religiously or legally? By law, it is a right. However if the church doesn't want to marry gay couples, that's their own stupid business.


    Fashions Of The 1920. “A brief look at the fashions
  • “A brief look at the fashions

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 03:49 PM
    One word.


    That's fine for soaking up occasional peak demand (I linked to 'vehicle to grid' techology a few posts back), but not providing energy for a full night... unless you have a link that says otherwise?


    Fashions Of The 1920. the 1920s was stick thin
  • the 1920s was stick thin

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 04:01 PM
    yes, I did explain what sharia law is. you're either blind, have a poor grasp of english, or are being willfully stupid.

    (Examples = teaching)!= saying

    The latter is specific to the situation.

    Dictums of Quran and Hadiths which may dictate/incite honor killing:

    Quran- 4:15 �If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four (reliable) witness from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them. Or God ordain for them some (other) way.�

    This quote is sectioned to the event of homosexuality being concerned. However, you have to prove that woman is being obscene, which is almost impossible if you've got to find 1 doctor, 4 witnesses to event, and two family members to testify the same thing.

    Quran-24:2 �The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication�flog each of them with hundred stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the last day.�

    100 striped != death.

    Adultery or fornication is VERY contentious in Islam. It is a big sin, and often breaks contracts, of nature of marriage. No death here.

    Quran-17:32 � Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).


    Quran-33:33 �stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display.�

    If you're going to quote something, please be sure to complete the damn sentence... and not end it prematurely:

    And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.

    In other words, be modest.

    Now some sahih hadiths:

    Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 196:
    Narrated Abu Huraira: A man from Bani Aslam came to Allah's Apostle while he was in the mosque and called (the Prophet ) saying, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." On that the Prophet turned his face from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and repeated his statement. The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side again. The man moved again (and repeated his statement) for the fourth time. So when the man had given witness four times against himself, the Prophet called him and said, "Are you insane?" He replied, "No." The Prophet then said (to his companions), "Go and stone him to death." The man was a married one. Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari said: I was one of those who stoned him. We stoned him at the Musalla ('Id praying place) in Medina. When the stones hit him with their sharp edges, he fled, but we caught him at Al-Harra and stoned him till he died.
    (See also Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 195.)

    as above, adultery is a greater sin. This, though, does not demonstrate honour killing. An honour killing is killing made by family or community that the victim has brought dishonour against the family or community.

    In this case, is it not dishonour, is it considered to be criminal.

    Sahi Bukhari: 8:6814:
    Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari: �A man from the tribe of Bani Aslam came to Allah�s Messenger [Muhammad] and informed him that he had committed illegal sexual intercourse; and he bore witness four times against himself. Allah�s Messenger ordered him to be stoned to death as he was a married person.�

    As above.

    Sahi Muslim No. 4206:
    �A woman came to the prophet and asked for purification by seeking punishment. He told her to go away and seek God�s forgiveness. She persisted four times and admitted she was pregnant. He told her to wait until she had given birth. Then he said that the Muslim community should wait until she had weaned her child. When the day arrived for the child to take solid food, Muhammad handed the child over to the community. And when he had given command over her and she was put in a hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. Khalid b. al-Walid came forward with a stone which he threw at her head, and when the blood spurted on her face he cursed her.�

    Fashions Of The 1920. Men#39;s fashion also reflected
  • Men#39;s fashion also reflected

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 25, 09:31 PM
    I certainly feel that most atheists are what I would call agnostic atheists. They lack belief in a god but leave the question of such a being existing either open and yet to be proved or unknowable and, therefore, pointless to contemplate. Only a so-called gnostic atheist would say they have seen sufficient evidence to convince them there is no god and I have not seen to many of them in my travels. It's more likely that they have yet to see sufficient evidence so, while they do not specifically believe in his existence, they cannot categorically deny it either. The blurry line between atheism and agnosticism is fairly crowded, I think.
    I probably have met too few atheists. Each of my philosophy professors at the State University of New York was an atheist. But only one seemed hostile to theism. Other atheists, J.L. Mackie and Roger Scruton, say, were made some excellent points in their books. Mackie even discovered a way to go through the horns of the Euthypro dilemma, a philosophical dilemma that you can sum up with a question: Is murder morally wrong because God says so, or does he say so because it's morally wrong? Unfortunately, I forget Mackie's reply. But I'm sue that had someone proved that God existed, Mackie would have become a theist just as Antony Flew did. I've spent years studying theism and too little time to studying atheism.

    Fashions Of The 1920. Coats of the 1920s were mostly
  • Coats of the 1920s were mostly

  • takao
    Mar 14, 12:31 PM
    His worry seems to center around the possibility of a hydrogen explosion inside of the containment vessel causing a wall breech. He also believes that the previous hydrogen explosion was due to gas escaping in an unplanned manner.

    AFAIK the problem with reactor 2 is now that the pressure inside the containment is very,very high because of damaged valves preventing steam from escaping in a controlled manner. thus they cant simply pump in more and more water to cool the currently not covered fuel rods because it would dramatically increase the pressure and thus risk containment damages

    so they are currently walking the fine line between risking the containment by pumping in water and a meltdown if they don't.. hardly a situation anybody wants to be


    Fashions Of The 1920. Fashions of the 1920s
  • Fashions of the 1920s

  • fpnc
    Mar 18, 06:10 PM
    Okay, here are a few relevant portions from the iTunes Music Store Terms Of Service (TOS).

    Security. You understand that the Service, and products purchased through the Service, such as sound recordings and related artwork (�Products�), include a security framework using technology that protects digital information and limits your usage of Products to certain usage rules established by Apple and its licensors (�Usage Rules�). You agree to comply with such Usage Rules, as further outlined below, and you agree not to violate or attempt to violate any security components. You agree not to attempt to, or assist another person to, circumvent, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise tamper with any of the security components related to such Usage Rules for any reason whatsoever. Usage Rules may be controlled and monitored by Apple for compliance purposes, and Apple reserves the right to enforce the Usage Rules with or without notice to you. You will not access the Service by any means other than through software that is provided by Apple for accessing the Service. You shall not access or attempt to access an Account that you are not authorized to access. You agree not to modify the software in any manner or form, or to use modified versions of the software, for any purposes including obtaining unauthorized access to the Service. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability.

    You agree that you will not attempt to, or encourage or assist any other person to, circumvent or modify any security technology or software that is part of the Service or used to administer the Usage Rules.
    So, basically if you use PyMusique you are in violation of the TOS and because you need an iTunes account to even make use of PyMusique, Apple will know who is trying to violate the TOS.

    Thus, as I said before, you'd have to be pretty stupid to even try and use this software.


    Fashions Of The 1920. 1920#39;s Fashion Painting
  • 1920#39;s Fashion Painting

  • Pants
    Oct 9, 04:18 AM
    Ive been using xp pro for 3 months here at work, and I have to say I'm quietly impressed. Its never crashed, nothing has unepectedly quit (and its running a bunch of custom pci cards, so if ever it was flakey, id have expected it to be so with this rig...). My only complaint is the 'look' of it - osX does look nicer, but then osX is a lot less snappy.

    So where does my money go to with Apple? I posses a bunch of apples, and each time I buy a new one i feel a little less 'happy' and a little more like a regular consumer. After all, the days of non proprietory hardware being used in apples are gone - its all usb and firewire (and not even cutting edge usb at that). Some of my reasons for disliking M$ are also beginning to surface with appl� - .mac for a start. What osX has done is open my eyes to using linux at home (or maybe x86 solaris) ...switching? hmmm....

    oh, and did anyone mention that apples floating point performance was good? no - its awful!

    Fashions Of The 1920. Fashions Of The 1920#39;s
  • Fashions Of The 1920#39;s

  • quigleybc
    Sep 20, 11:50 AM
    it will not replace my 4 year old xbox. Which itself has a 120Gig drive and a remote.

    What do you do with your Xbox that would been relevant to watching videos on your TV?

    Can you load Vids onto the Xbox HD and play them??

    Fashions Of The 1920. Schools in the 1920#39;s.
  • Schools in the 1920#39;s.

  • mac jones
    Mar 12, 04:45 AM
    I think that the key is not to get ahead of ourselves.

    IMHO, it's best to rely upon information provided from a variety of news sources and government sources and then decide for ourselves. It's too easy to jump the gun right now with regards to the nuclear plants.

    Again, just my opinion.

    Yes sound advice.

    But the problem is, I read that there was a minor explosion, so I thought "Fine ok, no biggie". Then I see the video, and it looks like 9-11. So then, there's now a credibility problem. Fear sets in, and doubt.

    You see the pattern.


    Fashions Of The 1920. Everyday Fashions of the
  • Everyday Fashions of the

  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 08:34 PM
    how can they NOT design for the possibility of coolant failure in the holding basin and put it also within a containment vessel? especially if, as you imply, there are some spent rods in it pretty much at any time.

    They just did not predict a tsunami of this scale causing the situation we are now faced with.

    Unfortunately it takes something like this to correct mistakes moving forward. That being said ... this will get fixed.

    This Nuclear Disaster has now been confirmed as the worst since Chernobyl and is far from being resolved.

    I wish the heros working on this all the best.


    Fashions Of The 1920. Ever wonder what the fashion
  • Ever wonder what the fashion

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:53 PM
    Here is an easy way to explain it. You can heat a slice of bread in a toaster and a microwave oven. Are you going to say microwaves compeat with toasters now. When they do not heat bread the same way.

    That's a tough analogy, as it's true... microwaves and toasters can coexist. (Although, I don't have a microwave. It does strange things to pizza.) Yet, I don't think it's the same in the gaming world. Are iOS games really so different from other video games?

    The only thing really lacking is a decent controller. There are so many ways to resolve this.

    Example... put a motion sensing camera on the Apple TV. That $100-$150 box could be used for FaceTime and video games. I think that would be very popular.

    Another Example... the remote control for the Apple TV could be expanded into a controller.

    Yet Another Example... one iOS device can be used to control another. This technology is already in play.

    I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.

    The negativity that I see is if it's an unsupported accessory. What if customers don't go out and buy it? What if developers don't modify their games to support it? There are lots of failed game accessories out there. While I doubt Apple will release the next Nintendo Power Glove, a goofy looking controller � like the PlayStation move � could be harmful to iOS gaming.

    Fashions Of The 1920. 1920s Fashion | Find the
  • 1920s Fashion | Find the

  • Hunabku
    Jul 11, 10:59 PM
    For its high end, there is no way on earth apple would release anything less then a quad woodcrest. If they did it would be dead in the water. The advantage of having apps like Photoshop not universal is that apple has to give us that much more horsepower to run them under rosetta.

    Of course the chips will be woodcrest otherwise steves key note at wdc of the systems would be utter poo-crap - and we all know apple builds products just so steve-o can be the man on stage---



    Fashions Of The 1920. 1920s: quot;Variety in Daytime
  • 1920s: quot;Variety in Daytime

  • vincenz
    Mar 13, 05:26 PM
    Opinions should be the same. Nuclear is clean and efficient, but has potential dangers. Shouldn't take a meltdown to remind anyone of that.


    Mar 13, 07:27 PM
    Solar plants can be put out in the scrub, they don't destroy what can be some of the most beautiful places on Earth like dams do, and have much less land impact.

    We don't all have scrubland... or reliable sunshine! Can't see solar power taking off in the UK, I'm afraid. The same goes for most of Northern Europe.


    Apr 9, 06:23 PM
    iOS needs big games. I hope having these guys in PR can help persuade big studios to give iOS better support. I mean treating it as a legitimate platform for premium content not just cut down stuff.

    As others have said.. An official add-on with buttons and analogue sticks would be really interesting. That single simple gadget would be a blow to the NGP & 3DS. Ideally it'd have a separate battery in to make long gaming sessions more viable. Mmmm.

    Touch can't totally replace tactile controls, even if it's great for some genres there are others where it falls flat, and I'd like those genres to be represented properly on iOS. If Apple really want to attack the 'hardcore' gaming portables it'd make sense.

    Obviously they can continue on the touch/gyro only path they're on now but it's still limiting the game developers.

    Apr 9, 03:36 PM
    Go away? i didn't say that.

    No, a merger by acquisition which would result in a merging of the Wii and Apple TV of course.

    The problem with your view is that Nintendo is a JAPANESE corporation and they are still the boss over the USA counterpart. Apple has to kiss Japan's ass first to do that. I heard a very old story from the 1990s that Microsoft tried to buy them out which Nintendo of Japan's CEO, at the time, discussed and revealed in an interview.

    Guess what? Nintendo of Japan gave Ballmer the finger. Secondly, Nintendo and Apple could partner up in a deal, theoretically, but a buyout will never happen. And no, the Daimler/Chrysler situation is not a good comparison for this industry.

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 27, 09:01 AM
    Who said anything about gender identity?

    It lies at the supposed heart of Joseph Nicolosi's and NARTH's work. It's nonsense.

    The APA quotation suggests that although there is evidence for that, it's unconvincing.

    "There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence". Anything outside that, obviously barely qualifies as evidence. Not wishing to get bogged down in a tired to and fro about semantics or anything...

    That's obviously ad hominem.

    So what? That's exactly what he is. He bilks money from deeply conflicted people who feel ashamed of themselves. When the Surgeon General of the United States releases a report saying that "there is no valid scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed", then you can be assured that those on the opposite side of the argument have a bill of goods to sell.

    Let me ask you an important question. Is there any evidence, testimonial or reasoned argument that would lead you to change your mind?


    Apr 9, 06:15 PM
    It's all about the platform.

    Not the games then? I guess that is why the Pippin was such a tremendous success. Less than 80 games, but a great bit of hardware inside the box. Everyone wanted one. :rolleyes: