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bike trailer plans. Push Trailer plans
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  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Nov 8, 09:02 AM
    i don't know why anyone is complaining that the MB wasn't upgraded to meet the specs of the MBP. we're talking entry level after all, and have to give apple something to justify the price differential to the pro. me, this is just what i was waiting for. c2d with added memory to boot. if i needed more features, graphics, etc., (*and if i could afford it) i'd buy the pro, but i don't. with this upgrade, i can finally retire my performa 6400/g3 sonnet, and have something that will serve me for many years. as soon as the store comes back up, i'm buying.

    I am mostly complaining between the mismatch between the 1.83 and the 2.0 model in terms of what 200$ buy (512MB RAM, Double Processor Cache, HD space, Superdrive, Processor Speed).

    They should have lowered the price of the 1.83 entry model to reflect how cripled it is. I can not see anybody considering it as a realistic choice.

    bike trailer plans. Bike-Trailer_2.jpg (46669
  • Bike-Trailer_2.jpg (46669

  • switchhitter007
    Jan 11, 11:39 AM
    wireless power adaptor? wireless video? ...no cables whatsoever

    bike trailer plans. Japanese Bicycle trailer
  • Japanese Bicycle trailer

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 8, 04:19 PM
    That was actually a hack of a wireless USB card, not a hack of the Mac itself; the Mac was just used for publicity. The hack only works with this wireless USB card, not with the built-in wireless. The news stories attached to this stunt were quite misleading...

    Plugging a wireless USB card into any computer is just like handing a hacker your keyboard, the computer handles it just like any other input device. So, if you handed a hacker your keyboard and didn't encrypt and password protect your files, would you expect the OS to protect them?

    Also if im not mistaken, the guy actually had to use the mac to get connected to the PC so really its showing us shitall!

    bike trailer plans. Voyager Bike Trailer
  • Voyager Bike Trailer

  • vega07
    Oct 28, 08:33 PM
    I don't really notice a louder volume. I think apple can still improve on the volume.

    have you guys realize how bad the volume controls are on the macbook? when the volume is at half, basically nothing is audible. the first 5-6 bars on the volume control are absolutely garbage (except when headphones are plugged in).

    bike trailer plans. Bike Trailer Photos April 16,
  • Bike Trailer Photos April 16,

  • doowrehs
    Aug 3, 04:11 PM
    It's normally a silvery/metal color isn't it? - yet it's highlighted orange on the banner... I did a quick Google search and the only other image I could find featuring a similar orange icon is this one:


    I've never really used iSync though, so don't know what all this means or whether there are actually orange versions of the icon found within the app. Anyone care to shed any light?

    bike trailer plans. Ross has managed to spin his
  • Ross has managed to spin his

  • simontarr
    Sep 4, 09:42 AM
    Don't you have to pay a restocking fee, even if you're within the 14-day return period?

    More than likely, but that doesn't bother me. I don't mind spending a little extra and causing myself a bit of hassle if it means I can get the supposed 23" iMac.

    bike trailer plans. Built a ike cart for the Troy
  • Built a ike cart for the Troy

  • Paix247
    Jan 11, 01:46 PM
    perhaps the new ultra-portable will not need a power cord.

    I remember a patent application from a while back . . .

    True, I remember that. More reasons to hope for my new slim Macbook! yay!

    bike trailer plans. CRUSOE TRAILER Brenda Carlton
  • CRUSOE TRAILER Brenda Carlton

  • Chris.L
    May 5, 03:41 AM
    For all those saying 'It won't be over 3G' thats an assumption based on the current system.

    For any OTA solution to work even thinking of using the current system would be foolish. Therefore its safe to assume that should this go ahead they have developed a system to push out only the required changes, such as those seen on BlackBerry's and Android devices which utilise 3G and WLAN.

    Also, both of these solutions use your data allowance so why would this be any different? You have to accept a warning that this may use your data allowance and then you start the process.

    However, I don't see them pushing full new versions of iOS OTA. I exepect it will only be minor updates.

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  • Bicycle Trailer Hitch - Quick

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 29, 01:48 AM
    Haven't heard much from Obama about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS lately ...

    Perhaps if you started paying attention... only nine or so days ago:

    During a speech to U.S. and Brazilian business leaders, Obama said he sees opportunities for the U.S. to sell more goods and services to Brazil's rapidly growing market of about 200 million consumers. He says the $50 billion in goods and services the U.S. sells to Brazil support more than 250,000 jobs back home.


    and wrote a piece in USAToday just a few days beforehand:

    But in this increasingly interconnected and fiercely competitive world, our top priority has to be creating and sustaining new jobs and new opportunities for our people.

    Lately, we've seen signs that we're moving in the right direction. Our economy added nearly a quarter of a million new private sector jobs last month, and the unemployment rate is at its lowest level in nearly two years. And to keep that progress going, we've got to keep competing for every new job, every new industry, and every new market in the 21st century.

    That's one of the reasons I will travel to Latin America this week � to strengthen our economic relationship with neighbors who are playing a growing role in our economic future.


    Do try to keep up.


    As for Rand Paul's objections, it's so geopolitically and historically ignorant, it's beyond contempt. It's been hilarious watching the right run around to find a consistent line of attack on this. Congress hasn't declared war since the 1940s.

    This is a multilateral action with the backing of a Security Council resolution. The Daily Telegraph's rantings about Al Qaeda are little more than Gaddafi propaganda.

    Hizbullah is a Shiite movement of southern Lebanon. There are no Shiites in North Africa, where almost all Muslims are Sunni. Hamas is a Palestinian movement and does not have a branch franchise in Libya. The people of Benghazi and Misrata, together amounting to 1.3 million, the backbone of the liberation movement, are not al-Qaeda, which is not a mass movement. In fact, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is like a few hundred guys and is an Algerian organization. I know, I know, pointing out that Michelle Bachmann has said something uninformed is like pointing out that Lady Gaga has done something outrageous. But we are told that Bachmann made a positive impression among possible Republican voters in Iowa recently, and the world in which we live has such persons as potential presidential candidates.

    Sarah Palin wants the US military to go into Libya, kill Muammar Qaddafi and then get back out. Palin doesn�t seem to realize that 110,000 US troops on the ground took 8 months just to find Saddam Hussein after they had invaded and occupied Iraq, and that at that point were were bound by Pottery Barn rules per Colin Powell� we had broken the vase and had now owned it. That vase cost about a trillion dollars all told, as Obama pointed out tonight, along with thousands of US and Iraqi lives. Palin lives in a magical world where she can wave her wand and Sarah suddenly gets her way.

    Newt Gingrich was for the intervention before he was against it.

    And Mitt Romney is all for invading Libya, but thinks the United States should have done it all by itself without consulting allies and apparently should bear all the costs of doing so. Romney alleged that the US �followed France� into Libya, though in fact the US fired 110 Tomahawk missiles at Qaddafi�s anti-aircraft batteries as the engagement was beginning, making it safe for the French pilots to fly missions there.


    As for US interests, many of you including the racist fringe christianist Pauls, are not connecting the dots:

    For those who ask what the U.S. national interest in Libya is, the correct question is about broad U.S. regional interests. Had the Libyan crisis emerged before the Arab uprisings, intervention would still have been the moral course � though it would have been harder to make the case about U.S. interests. But there is a link among the revolutions sweeping the Arab world that cannot be denied.

    First, the uprisings have been, stunningly, peaceful. Even in Yemen � where weapons are everywhere, hundreds of thousands have remained adamant in facing the bullets of security forces by repeating Cairo�s Tahrir Square chant, �Silmiyyah, Silmiyyah� (peaceful, peaceful). For thousands, a whiff of dignity and freedom has overcome the fear of death.

    Their success will be the antidote to militant extremists � and thus in the U.S. interest � and their failure would surely turn their energies toward militancy. To be sure, as the Middle East goes through unstable times, al Qaeda will find new opportunities and Washington must remain vigilant. But al Qaeda�s ultimate undoing will be when the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims see it as the primary threat to their aspirations.


    The entire point of this is in the long-term. Apart from denying a victorious Gaddafi an opportunity to create trouble to his neighbours and destabilise the region, it is to provide support for popular uprisings in order to deny radicalism the oxygen it needs.

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 11, 12:00 AM
    Just an example of a generic office budget ... the City of Toronto has 44 Councillors with an annual office budget of over $50,000 each (most of it used on "useless" crap)

    Our new Mayor Rob Ford actually spends $0 every year of his office budget.

    lets cut that in half to "reasonable"... all across the country in every city town and county.

    Another example is that Mayor in Southern California making over $800,000 per year ... think he is the only one?

    We need to weed out this "useless" waste and get back on track ... this kind of Government feeding at the trough is what is bankrupting our countries ... not the Military budgets.

    Toronto spent over 1.25 Billion Dollars over a weekend to host that G20 summit ... WTF

    and people think shaving a couple of hundred billion on the Military is the big solution.

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  • mobile-ike-trailer-home

  • Constable Odo
    Apr 17, 12:23 PM
    Yep, get the kiddies hooked on iDevices early. Apple everything, paint their rooms white and let the mind control begin :)

    My sentiments exactly. Get them while they're still in diapers, if possible. It worked to convert the Microsoft Wintard generation many years ago. Microsoft totally indoctrinated millions of unsuspecting consumers and turned them into Wintard drones. Now they're trapped by their own myopic vision of the future and refuse let go of the ancient Windows platform when a new order is upon them. That's why those friggin' brainwashed IT managers are nothing but Windows lapdogs and never want to let new technology into corporations. Thank heavens Apple is doing an end run around them by going above and below their narrow-minded Windows ways. I can't wait to see Microsoft's next earnings report reflecting Windows license sales tapering off. It's time for Microsux Windblows to get some post-PC era payback.

    bike trailer plans. ike trailer timeline
  • ike trailer timeline

  • brepublican
    Sep 12, 05:05 PM
    Question for everyone.
    I was playing with itunes 7, and I realized that if i hit the yellow minimize button (with scale effect set) it minimizes into the dock like normal, but when i try to bring it back from the dock it does nothing for a second and then it just appears. I don't know if the way i wrote that makes sense, but give it a try and see if it works for you.
    :confused: Do you mean the Genie effect? I havent updated yet, but I sure hope that that works just fine!

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  • ike-pulled camper

  • ampd
    Aug 3, 04:15 PM
    When new products are released in a keynote like the one coming up, are they normally ready to ship?

    bike trailer plans. Photo of BicycleTrailer
  • Photo of BicycleTrailer

  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 04:33 PM
    I can't play more than 1 song before it crashes. I went ahead and appzapped the friggin program and started with a totally fresh install and I'm having the same problem. It plays 1 song and then crashes.

    Another thing I noticed is that it misreports song length by a few seconds. It's reporting them too short. It plays out until the end and then backs up a second or two, then crashes.

    Anyone else?

    iTunes 7
    PB 12"

    Repair your permissions before and after each install. Mine did some correction to iTunes framework.

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  • A ike canoe trailer is a

  • Catfish_Man
    Aug 3, 04:00 PM
    I have it on relatively good authority that they change the banner after the keynote. Seems ridiculous to me though.

    bike trailer plans. car trailer plans
  • car trailer plans

  • ciTiger
    May 5, 05:41 AM
    Automatic, without user authentication would not make sense. Apple has never issued updates or installed anything without user interaction. That would open the OS up to security risks. So, it wont be automatic.

    Over 3G? No thank you. Wireless on WiFi is fine.

    Automatic as in do now or do later but must do until a certain time has passed.
    Given their firmware signing they must have something like that...

    bike trailer plans. Attached Thumbnails
  • Attached Thumbnails

  • motulist
    Sep 12, 02:52 PM
    Old nano
    3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27 inches
    1.5 ounces

    New nano
    3.5 × 1.6 × 0.26
    1.41 ounces

    bike trailer plans. advice Bicycle+trailer
  • advice Bicycle+trailer

  • iGary
    Sep 6, 08:53 AM
    A maxed out 24" is $3,384.00


    hmmm..... may pick up one of the large ones.

    wanna play with one at an apple store first though. also see if i can upgrade the graphics card. or see if the one included is good enough for photography and gaming.

    There is a 256MB option.

    bike trailer plans. Nomad Bicycle Tent Trailer
  • Nomad Bicycle Tent Trailer

  • logandzwon
    Apr 18, 07:03 AM
    How very strange. I can not believe a store that sells telephones, MP3 players, Digital Cameras, video games, eReaders, GPS devices, TVs, dvd players, Apple iPods, laptops, and tablets would carry the Apple iPad.

    Very surprising. I bet next your going to try to tell me the Apple Store is going to carry them.

    Apr 12, 12:55 PM
    Same discussion all the time.

    People that suggest to build plants in the US aren't doing their homework.

    Made in USA doesn't mean the quality is better or worse, neither does it mean that Americans would be getting jobs because of it.
    Some percentage, but not all!

    Quality depends on the manufacturers controls.
    Mercedes, Toyota etc. are all building quality products in the US.

    There are not even enough workers with low assembly qualifications, so for a plant of that size the jobs would mostly go to immigrants, NOT Americans.

    Then there is money a resource that is like a rare element gas. The slightest sign of trouble and it disappears and goes where there is no trouble.

    Brazil will make no trouble, neither do other countries.

    The government here is too fragmented in it's opinions to unite and pass laws that make production in the US worthwhile.

    For that matter none of them have economic backgrounds and just preside over status quo, Republican or Liberal.

    About 95% of all the tax money coming in is spent before it even hits and then some.

    As the president's friend (an accountant) said in the movie DAVE:

    If I would keep my books like they (the government) do , they'd throw me in jail.

    It's an international world, intertwined by money.

    So, enough with this buy American or MADE IN USA stuff. It's all about money and that will be made wherever it's FREE from too many taxes, restrictions and regulations.

    Then Apple should take a hard look a QT.

    Sep 4, 06:08 PM
    Update:Nope, still hasn't shipped. Darn me for custom ordering it... ;-)

    Yeah, I first put an 80GB HD instead of the standard 60, and it wasn't due to ship until the end of the month. I completely forgot that customizing it would pust it way back. I immediately called Apple to cancel it. They said I was in luck as there usually weren't any people in to cancel orders at that time, but one guy happened to be in. Within a few minutes it was cancelled and I re-ordered it without customizing the Macbook nor iPod (engraving).

    That phone call probably made sure my goods will arrive 2 weeks earlier than originally. Phew.

    I too was hoping to get an upgraded iPod, but hey, no worries. My first iPod and I'm lovin it. Be nice if my MacBook comes with a Core 2 though >.> (wishful thinking)

    If they upgrade the MBs substantially I will chew my bloody leg off. Don't get me wrong: while immensily enjoying my Core Duo Macbook. But still...

    Sep 13, 06:25 AM
    I have 3 USB 1 ports and 2 FireWire ports. Does that mean if I buy a new 8Gb Nano, it won't work with my system? :(

    Your iMacG5 doesn't have USB 2 ports? As far as I know, ALL iMac G5s had USB 2 ports...even previous iBook G4s had that already...I think you're mistaken, sorry.

    Oct 2, 06:30 PM
    ... that the Halo community has more than it's share of people who's manhood is defined by playing online from the relative safety of their bedroom.
    By nature of being one of the biggest games in the console space, it is also going to have one of the largest groups of people who are d-bags. And you can be "tired of my pat answer" all you want, but the fact is, by playing with only people I know, I don't have to deal with those d-bags. The tools are there, available for everyone to use. Add more nice players to your friends list, and set your voice settings to "Team Only" and move on. Not hard to do.

    Mar 18, 11:12 PM
    Where have I heard that one before? (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/11/05/apple-discontinues-xserve-only-available-until-january-31st/)

    Apples to Oranges (heh). Consumer market is different and I am sure the classic does far, far more volume AND revenue than the xserve.