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Houston Fashion Week II

Military Skirt - Express
Tank Top - Express
Necklace -  NY&Co
Shoes - Carlos Santana (Macy's)
Handbag -  Don't remember

As far as the first photo in the blog, I was motivated by the poses the models were doing for the TikiGlam clothing line. I thought they were cute, so I thought I'd come home and try one of them out!! Ok back to the Fashion Week. So tonight was the only other night this week I had available to attend some more Fashion Week events. I'm so excited that Houston decided to get itself on the map as a Fashion location.  I've experienced two different types of Fashion Shows this week. The one on Monday was more proper, and included designers that are nationally known, and it was very well organized, hosted by a huge car company, and only had 3 designers showcasing. 

The event tonight was a bit more chaotic, and featured 9 designers. What I liked about the show tonight was the diversity in designers.  Most of them were local Houstonians, but there were "all men" lines, Indian Fashion Lines, Asian Fashion Lines, Punk Rock, African...I mean I could go on! So I really appreciated the spread of fashion I saw tonight.  This is great especially if you are trying to branch away from department stores for your clothing options, finding designer boutiques are a great discovery.  I found two that I liked tonight especially well!

I was really impressed with all the clothes from both of these lines, and now I have some new spots in Houston to check out for clothing options! Here are just a few of the pictures from the show tonight.